Secondary Transition


Videos and Publications

Connecting for Employment Video Series


Navigating Life Beyond School: A Dynamic Discussion on Transition Services (English)

Navegando la Vida Más Allá de la Escuela: Una Discusión Dinámica sobre los Servicios de Transic




- Office Lead
- State Lead
Amiris Dipuglia PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Hillary Mangis PaTTAN - WEST
Tammy Thompson-Cooke PaTTAN - EAST
Lisa Russo PaTTAN - EAST
Kimberly Cole PaTTAN - EAST
Lori Chamberlain PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Darla Bryant PaTTAN - WEST
Tim Knight PaTTAN - WEST
Tesia Nasehi PaTTAN - EAST
Lisa Schmidt PaTTAN - WEST
Hunter Steinitz PaTTAN - WEST
Natasha Fletcher PaTTAN - EAST
Hayley Penn PaTTAN - EAST
Cindy Sheehan-Westrick PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Marissa Deleel PaTTAN - WEST
Rachel Bixler PaTTAN - CENTRAL

What is Secondary Transition?

Secondary transition planning is the process of helping students with disabilities get ready for life after high school. This includes planning and preparing for employment, further education or training, and living independently. The plan is part of the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) and involves setting goals and learning skills needed for adulthood. Transition planning begins during the year in which a student turns 14, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team.