IEP Information

What is an IEP?

The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a personalized plan for education services catering to disabled or gifted students.

This IEP document is available in a digital format. The Table of Contents lets you scroll directly to specific spots of the IEP document. You can download the IEP or request a paper copy.


IEP Publications and Companion Forms


Annotated IEP Companion Checklist

The purpose of the checklist is to support the participation, development, and implementation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Each section provides questions to help guide discussion. Utilize the IEP Planning Notes column to support your planning and participation for an upcoming IEP meeting.

Annotated IEP Companion Checklist for English Language Learners

This publication is a guide for English Language (EL) Development Specialists to support the participation, development, and implementation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Each section provides questions to help guide discussion. EL Development Specialists can utilize the IEP Planning Notes column to support their planning and participation for an upcoming IEP meeting.

Communication Plan of the IEP

The Communication Plan is a required part of the IEP process for students who are deaf/hard of hearing or deafblind. It should be completed at the beginning of the IEP meeting. The revised format asks for data to support answers and for input from all the members of the team: the student, the family, and the professionals.


Annotated Communication Plan of the IEP

This annotated version of the Communication Plan has notes and hints that can help all the members of the team work on the plan, together, at the beginning of the IEP meeting.

Engaging Families in the IEP Process

It is the responsibility of the school to engage families, but it can be unclear how to do this. This document will explore how schools can reframe the IEP process and take active steps to include families as educational partners.

SLIEP and Legal

Looking for resources on Student-Led IEP's and Legal information?



The Essentials of IEP Writing

An asynchronous online course designed for teachers, building administrators, families, and others

This PaTTAN-developed online course provides instruction on writing an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Through the use of videos, audio PowerPoints and PaTTAN publications, participants will complete modules on common terminology, leading IEP team meetings, and sections I-VIII of the IEP.

  • Self-paced professional development at no cost
  • 15 Act 48 continuing education hours upon completion
  • Considerations to prepare for and lead an IEP team meeting Guidance for each section of the IEP
  • Tips to be a well-informed Local Education Agency (LEA) Representative


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Calculating Least Restrictive Environment

Part 1: Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Calculation Overview

Part 2: Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Calculation Practice