Short Term Loan

The Short Term Loan (STL) Program provides LEAs with devices to assess the assistive technology needs of students with disabilities. AT kit categories include: augmentative and alternative communication, blindness/visual impairment, computer access, deaf/hard of hearing/deafblind, switch access/environmental access, and technology for print/reading/writing support.


LEA Participation in the STL Program

Pennsylvania educators who are employed or contracted by an intermediate unit, school district, charter school, approved private school, or state early intervention program (county infant/toddler early intervention program or MAWA preschool early intervention program) can participate in the STL Program. LEA staff may borrow AT kits for a six-week loan period. Staff may request up to five kits for a student at one time, but only one kit per student is loaned at a time. 

If ordering an Apps for AAC Bundle, click on details to check what APPs are in the Bundle; and remember more than 1 bundle can be ordered. 

Please Note: We can no longer ship Short Term Loan kits to residential addresses.  Please use the student's School District/LEA/IU address for shipping.

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