Collaborative Partnerships in Secondary Transition

Collaborative partnerships in secondary transition are especially important because they help students with disabilities succeed after high school. Important partners include the student, teachers, parents, employers, and community agencies. These partners work together to create plans that match each student's goals and strengths. By working as a team, they can provide the support and resources needed for students to achieve their dreams. This teamwork helps students feel more confident and prepared for their future.


The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a group of various stakeholders from across Pennsylvania who work collaboratively to ensure appropriate transition outcomes for Pennsylvania youth and young adults.

The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a state leadership team consisting of representative from: the State Departments of Education, Health, Labor and Industry, and Human Services; Various Serving Agencies, Young Adults, Parent Organizations, Advocates, Higher Education, and Employers.

The shared vision and common goals of the Pennsylvania Community on Transition is achieved when all PA youth and young adults with disabilities:

  • Successfully transition to the role of productive and participating adult citizens 
  • Are empowered to recognize their talents, strengths, and voice 
  • Have equal access to resources that will promote their full participation in the communities of their choice. 

PA Secondary Transitions 

Employment First is an initiative dedicated to ensuring that individuals with disabilities, their families, their support teams, and service providers have the resources and information they need to be successful. The Pennsylvania team has collected a variety of state, regional, and national resources to assist you in your educational and employment journey. In addition, individuals can find information about more general services and supports to help achieve an independent life in your community. 



By law, Pennsylvania is an “Employment First” State (Act 36 of 2018). Employment First means that Competitive, integrated employment is the first consideration and preferred outcome of publicly funded education, employment, and related services, and long-term-supports and services for working-age Pennsylvanians with a disability. The goal of PA Secondary Transition: Connecting for Employment is to ensure a seamless human services delivery system that can be effortlessly entered end navigated by individuals with disabilities and their families, should they choose to seek formal supports and maintain competitive integrated employment. 

Connecting for Employment


Stakeholder Letter 

Understanding the Memorandum of Understanding: OVR and BSE Working Together as One TOOLKIT 

Unpacking the MOU - This session will provide information regarding the legal requirements and tenants of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and the Bureau of Special Education (BSE). In addition, a detailed plan for implementation will be introduced. 

  1. April 8 webinar -Participant PPT
    2. PA 2020 - MOU BSE-PDE
    3. PA MOU OVR-BSE Professional Overview 
    4. PA MOU OVR-BSE - Youth-Family Overview 
    5. OVR 2021 Pre-ETS Flyer 
    6. NTACT-Interagency Collaboration for CIE 
    7. NTACT- CIE Toolkit - Section 3 


Engaging Stakeholders - During this session, presenters will share strategies for engaging stakeholders in the transition planning process. Information regarding strategies for IEP participation, including family engagement, student-led IEPs, and agency involvement will be presented. Resources for including OVR in the IEP planning process and planning for transition services will be discussed. 


1. April 21 webinar -PowerPoint 
2. Why Students Should Work w-OVR 
3. Special Education Timelines 
4. Desk-Ref-Sp. Ed. Overview 
5. Inviting OVR to IEP Mtgs 
6. Process for Coord Betw OVR-LEA 
7. Entitlement-vs-eligibility 
8. Understanding-self-advocacy 
9. Student Participation in IEP rubric 


 During this session, participants will learn strategies to align efforts utilizing the PA Career Education and Work Standards and Pre-Employment