Pennsylvania State Laws and Regulations

Chapter 4 Academic Standards and Assessment

The purpose of this chapter of the PA Code is to establish rigorous academic standards and assessments, applicable only to the public schools in this commonwealth, to facilitate the improvement of student achievement and to provide parents and communities a measure by which school performance can be determined.


Chapter 14 Special Education Services and Regulations

The purpose of this chapter is to specify how the Commonwealth will meet its obligation to both suspected and identified exceptional students and to provide appropriate, quality education services. That obligation entails an evaluation and screening process, including a multidisciplinary evaluation, which is mandated by both state and Federal law.

Chapter 14 - Special Education Services and Programs

Chapter 15 Protected Handicapped Students

This chapter of the PA Code addresses a school district’s responsibility to comply with the requirements of Section 504 and its implementing regulations.


This Basic Education Circular (BEC) provides the PA Department of Education's guidance to school districts to comply with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations.  Chapter 15 BEC

Chapter 16 Special Education for Gifted Students

Chapter 16 of the PA Code specifies how the Commonwealth will meet its obligations to suspected and identified gifted students who require gifted education to reach their potential. Gifted students are to be provided with quality gifted education services and programs. Information regarding responsibilities placed upon school districts with regard to the provision of gifted education can be found at PDE’s Gifted Education Page.

Chapter 711 Charter School Services and Programs for Children with Disabilities

The purpose of this chapter is to specify how the Commonwealth will meet its obligation to both suspected and identified exceptional students and to provide appropriate, quality education services to students in charter schools and cyber charter schools. That obligation entails an evaluation and screening process, including a multidisciplinary evaluation, which is mandated by both state and Federal law.

The Pennsylvania Code Online

The Pennsylvania Code is an official publication of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It contains regulations and other documents filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau. It consists of 55 titles.

Side-by-Side Regulations IDEA/PA Chapter 14

This reference document developed by the PA Department of Education provides a side by side depiction of the PA Chapter 14 Regulations for Students with Disabilities in addition to the federal regulations (IDEA 2006) adopted by reference for the delivery of special education to students and eligible young children in PA.   Side-by-side document

Pennsylvania Part B – FFY 2022 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Regulations (IDEA 2006) each state is required to submit a State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). The SPP It is built around federally mandated indicators of performance and compliance and includes baseline data and measurable and rigorous targets for each indicator. The APR reports on the state’s performance in meeting the established targets.

The State Board of Education, established by the General Assembly, is the principal administrative regulatory body for elementary/secondary and higher education in the Commonwealth. In addition to promulgating regulations, the Board has the statutory authority to “adopt broad policies and principles and establish standards governing the educational program of the Commonwealth.” The special education regulations in Pennsylvania are found under the 22 PA Code Chapter 14 for school districts and Chapter 711 for charter schools.