Principals Understanding How to Lead Special Education (PULSE)

PULSE, Principals Understanding how to Lead Special Education, is an approved PIL course.  This 30-hour PIL approved course aims to build upon a principals’ working knowledge and skill set needed to successfully innovate and program for students with disabilities. The growing field of research at the intersection of the position of principal and special education yields evidence-based practices that support outcomes for students with disabilities. PULSE coursework incorporates a variety of essential topics throughout the three instructional days, such as the use of data practices, instructional strategies, and innovations to improve student achievement, legal literacy, and implementation of and sustaining evidence-based practices. Through retrieval and analysis of data related to special education to understanding programming options for inclusive systems and individual student supports, participants will increase their abilities to lead and impact student and systems growth. Other experiences that encourage knowledge and skills around special education include self-assessment, lectures, review of literature, videos, scenarios, discourse, and action research design.

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