Providing appropriate research based Second Language Acquisition (SLA) instruction and intervention for English Learners (ELs) should be complemented by culturally and linguistically responsive teaching strategies and principles. Professional development and strategic coaching for teachers and administrators are essential to ensure effective implementation. Additionally, linguistically aligned progress monitoring and screening measures are crucial for tracking student progress. All these efforts should be underpinned by data-based educational decision making to optimize outcomes for ELs.
What is a Culturally and linguistically Responsive Multitiered System of Support?
MTSS for EL Rubric
What should I know about my English Learner with disabilities to support my classroom Instruction?
The follow provides helpful videos and modules to help teachers understand second language acquisition (SLA), the importance of teaching cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP), and evidenced based instructional practices.
This protocol can be used by educators and administrators to learn more about the instructional strategies teachers are using with their English learners with disabilities. This classroom observation protocol was created for use by the Alternate English Language Learning Assessment (ALTELLA) project.
What are some examples of questions I could ask the Student/Family in order to support classroom instruction?
What are Evidenced- Based Instructional Strategies to support English Learners within each of the tiers?
Pre- teaching Vocabulary and priming background knowledge
Language use and language modeling
Using Visuals and graphic Organizers
Systematic and Explicit Instruction
Strategic use of native languages
The PLUSS Framework (Sanford, Brown & Turner, 2012) was created to enhance existing instructional and intervention programs with linguistic and cultural support for English Learners. PLUSS is a four-year model demonstration project from the federal office OSEP (Office of Special Education Programs) to improve literacy and language outcomes for students with or at risk for being identified with a disability. PLUSS Framework
What type of questions and data should I consider when making decisions for my English Learner?
ELITE Data Discussion Protocol
What is Translanguaging? Insert translanguaging video
What is BICs and CALPs? (video)