An area at the back of the brain that is involved in understanding what we see with our eyes.
Services provided by a qualified, licensed occupational therapist that focus on preventing and improving the skill-deficits that affect all aspects of independent functional skills in students.
Office for Dispute Resolution
A virtual or onscreen keyboard can provide text entry access for students with motor impairment. The keyboard displayed on the computer screen can be accessed using a pointing device. Therefore, a standard mouse or any alternative-pointing device can be used to make text selections right on the screen
The age of an individual at which hearing loss occurred. Two major classifications of this term are: 1. Congenital (at birth) or pre-lingual – Before the acquisition of speech and language; 2. Adventitious or post-lingual – After the development of speech and language
The Microsoft and Apple operating systems have many features to make computer access easier. Accessibility options can be found in the control panel.
a philosophy of teaching deaf or hard of hearing individuals to make efficient use of residual hearing through early use of amplification, to develop speech and to use speechreading skills.
The number of words read correctly per minute.
An oral transliterator conveys information to deaf individuals in speech-readable English format, i.e., using natural lip movements supported by facial expression, natural gesture, and message rewording for clarity as needed, and who conveys information from deaf students and adults to their hearing counterparts in speech-readable English format using the same strategies and techniques.
The knowledge of one’s distance and direction relative to things observed or remembered in one’s surroundings, and the ability to keep track of these spatial relationships as they change during locomotion.
Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialist
A professional who specializes in teaching travel skills to persons who are visually impaired including the use of canes, dog guides, sophisticated electronic traveling aids, as well as the sighted guide technique.
Services provided to a student who is blind or visually impaired by qualified personnel to enable the student to attain systematic orientation to, and safe movement within, their environments in school, home, and community, and to increase skills in other areas.
Systematic techniques utilizing the senses to establishᅠa position and relationship to all other significant objects inᅠthe environment and move about independently.
A change that the family wants to see for their infant/toddler or themselves related to their child’s development.