The common term for tact is label. You tact (label) an item (object, person, action) that is visible in the environment. For example, a student walks into a room and sees a dog, and the student then says dog. They are said to be tacting the dog.
Related to the sense of touch or act of touching; the process of giving knowledge by using the sense of touch in order to understand and share information. The words tactile and tactual are synonymous.
Tactile graphics are graphical representations that have been specially prepared for use by touch.
Communication methods based on a standard manual sign system in which the receiver’s hand(s) are placed on the signer’s hands to perceive what is being communicated.
The ability to explore objects systematically so that students can observe all the features of an object by using their available senses.
Talking Word Processors use text-to-speech technology to provide speech feedback to help students to select words or sentences to be read to them. It allows them to read teacher-prepared material or to check their own compositions.
Refers to the complexity of each of the four tasks on which students are assessed. Tasks designated with the letter A are least complex in terms of cognitive and conceptual demands; B tasks are intermediate levels of complexity; and C tasks are the most complex.
Activities into which specific literacy and numeric skills are embedded. Each student participating in the PASA is assessed with four tasks, two in reading and two in mathematics.
The sides of the brain. These areas are involved in memory, understanding language, and speaking in a sensible way.
TSS services are delivered in the home and community as part of a child or adolescent’s daily routine. They are designed to provide active, individualized treatment to the child or adolescent. They require careful and constant review to determine their effectiveness and the need for modification to meet the ever-changing needs of the child and the family.
Chapter 14 of the Pennsylvania Special Education Regulations ᅠ defines timely manner as the provision of accessible instructional materials at the same time as other students receive instructional materials. IDEA requires that LEAs act in a timely manner…to take steps to ensure that children who are blind or other persons with print disabilities have access to their accessible format instructional materials at the same time that students without disabilities have access to instructional materials.
The process of moving from one early intervention service to another early intervention or special education service. Transitions for Pennsylvania’s eligible young children typically occur when a child reaches three years of age or kindergarten age.
A group of coordinated activities provided over a period of time that support a high school student with a disability in the transition from high school to adult life. These services focus on what the student wants to do after high school in the areas of education or training, employment, and community living.
Transliteration is the process of changing a message from one English code to another in order to convey the message from one person to another in its original syntactic or grammatical structure. In the field of sign language interpreting in the United States, the transliterator typically conveys spoken English in a manual code for English and conveys Manually Coded English in spoken English without changing the form of the language.
Transportation or Transportation Services
Refers to travel to, from, in, and around school buildings, and any specialized equipment required to transport a student with a disability.
Instruction that enables students with disabilities to learn the skills necessary to move effectively and safely from place-to-place within their environment.
The slope of the performance graph, used to indicate the rate at which performance is changing over time.
This refers to the four major categories of cause of hearing loss: 1. Conductive – Impairment to the outer or middle ear; medical or surgical intervention is often possible; 2. Sensorineural – Nerve damage to the inner ear or cochlear hair cells; 3. Mixed – Involves both conductive and sensorineural impairment; 4. Central auditory – Outer, middle, and inner ear mechanisms are intact but dysfunction in processing auditory information is evident