the systematic use of syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, phonological and morphological symbols for communication within a community by engaging in listening and speaking, and sometimes reading and writing.
A disorder characterized by a problem in the understanding and/or use of oral or written language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) or nonverbally.
Print that has been enlarged (to 14-18 point) from the size commonly found in magazines, newspapers and books (6-12 point) in order to improve readability.
IDEA defines least restrictive environment as education provided to children, to the greatest extent appropriate, with their non-disabled peers. The rules about placement further encourage that students be placed in the general program in their neighborhood schools, unless it is not appropriate for meeting their individual needs.
The Local Interagency Coordinating Council is made up of parents and professionals working together to coordinate and plan for early intervention services in the local community.
LEP is the term used by the federal government, most states, and local school districts to identify those students who are acquiring the English language skills needed to succeed in English-only classrooms. Increasingly, the terms English language learner (ELL) or English learner (EL) are used in place of LEP
Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Development
The ability to listen to stories, answer questions, sequence events, learn new vocabulary, and retell information heard is the foundation of reading comprehension. Because many kindergarten students cannot yet read stories, it is important that they have frequent and rich opportunities to listen to and discuss stories and informational text. This will extend their comprehension and vocabulary knowledge.
A term for a public organization – such as a school district, charter school, or intermediate unit – that serves students with disabilities
LEA means a public board of education that provides administrative control and direction for public elementary and/or secondary schools. LEAs can be school districts, intermediate units or charter schools.
Local Interagency Transition Planning:
Collaboration among various community service providers and local school districts to address the needs of students with disabilities.
Local Transition Coordinating Council
An interagency group consisting of school districts, intermediate units, community service providers, parents, and others. The council addresses the current transition needs of the students with disabilities to prepare the student for post-school activities, and to assure community supports for those activities.
This refers to communication systems that are not based on computer components.
A type of optical or non-optical device used to enhance the visual capability of students with visual impairments. Low vision devices range from bold-line felt-tip markers to magnifiers and telescopes and can be for near, intermediate and distance tasks.
least restrictive environment