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January 8, 2018

Max Admin PLC Day 2 Materials for Presenters

•    Admin PLC Day 2 Agenda – This is for the presenters to work through the content, materials and activities for Day 2 of the MAX Administrative PLC 
•    Admin PLC Day 2 Notes – This is the MAX Administrative Power Point with Notes for Day 2
•    MAX Admin PLC Day 2 – This is the power point that is used to show the participants on Day 2 of the MAX administrative PLC
January 8, 2018

MAX Administrative PLC Day 2: Handouts for Participants

•    Assessment Activity Guide – This is a document that administrators utilize when looking at their district-wide assessments and how they impact students with significant cognitive disabilities. Used on Slides 21 and 22
•    Danielson Activity Grid – This is a document that administrators utilize when connecting Project MAX look-fors to teacher effectiveness. Used on Slide 23
•    FAPE Letter 111615 – This is the letter form OSEP regarding guidance on FAPE.  It is utilized during the Socratic Seminar on Slide 20
•    LRE and IEP BEC 013009 – This document is used as additional information regarding LRE. Administrators will use this to extrapolate the impact of LRE on the community, school board, family administrators teachers and students. Used on Slide 11.
•    Managing Complex Change – This is the document that is utilized to have the administrators identify something they’ve done in relation to Project MAX that has helped their team move forward. Used on Slide 6
•    PA SEDR Report 14-15 – The most recent Special Education Data Report should be used for the participants to analyze their own district special education data. Used on Slide 14
•    PLC PP Day 2 - This is the PDF version of the power point for participants
January 8, 2018

Max Admin PLC DAY 1 Materials for Presenters

•    Admin PLC Day 1 Agenda – This is for the presenters to work through the content, materials and activities for Day 1 of the MAX Administrative PLC 
•    Admin PLC Day 1 Notes – This is the MAX Administrative Power Point with Notes for Day 1
•    MAX Admin PLC Day 1 – This is the power point that is used to show the participants on Day 1 of the MAX administrative PLC
January 8, 2018

MAX Administrative PLC Day 1 Handouts for Participants

•    Change Cards – These cards are used for the administrative activity corresponding to Slide 10 in the power point
•    Change Checklist Worksheet – This document is used as a graphic organizer to be utilized with the corresponding video embedded into Slide 8 in the power point
•    Final Team Knowledge Skills Perspectives – This document is designed to guide LEAs and IUs in the process of selecting MAX team members.  This is used in an administrative activity corresponding to Slide 21 in the power point
•    MAX PLC Day 1 – This is the PDF version of the power point for participants
•    Order Change Article – This is an article regarding first and second order change that the administrators read to complete an activity corresponding to Slide 14 in the power point. 
•    Practice Profile Leadership – This is the leadership section of the practice profile which is used as a discussion guide on Slide 21 when comparing the political/practical visionaries of both administrators and internal coaches
•    When Change Has Legs - This is an article that is referenced during Slides 15-20 regarding what administrator can do to sustain change over time 
January 8, 2018

MAX Admin PLC Day 3: Handouts for Participants Day 3

•    Classroom Characteristics Self-Assessment – This is the document that helps teachers assess best and effective practices for complex instructional needs and prioritize areas where improvement is needed. Used with Slide 9
•    I Used to Think Chart – This document is used to have administrators reflect on how their thinking on a particular topic has changed throughout their career.  Used with Slide 6
•    Instructional Observational Tool – This is the document that is used to provide information on the design and delivery of classroom instruction. Used with Slide 10
•    Managing Complex Change – This document is used for an activity where administrators determine where there current MAX teacher are and where they think their future MAX teachers are in relation to MAX. Used with Slides 14-15
•    MAX PLC Day 3 - This is the PDF version of the power point for participants
•    MAX TimeLine for Tools – This document is a summary of all of the Project MAX tools utilized over the years. Used with Slide 8
•    Scaling Up Results Discussion – This is a summary page of the information that was gathered from the administrators regarding the sharing of vision and principles of Project MAX to various stakeholders. Used with Slide 20
•    Tools Annotated Discussion – This document is used as a graphic organizer for participants to look at both the Classroom Characteristics Tool and the Instructional Observation Tool. Used with Slide 11
January 8, 2018

MAX Admin PLC Day 3: Materials for Presenters

•    Admin PLC Day 3 Agenda – This is for the presenters to work through the content, materials and activities for Day 3 of the MAX Administrative PLC 
•    Admin PLC Day 3 Notes – This is the MAX Administrative Power Point with Notes for Day 3
•    MAX Admin PLC Day 3 – This is the power point that is used to show the participants on Day 3 of the MAX administrative PLC
January 4, 2018

Approved RTI for SLD list 12.28.2017

A list of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that have applied for approval to use Response to Instruction(RtI) to determine Specific Learning Disabilities and their approval/renewal dates, as of December 28, 2017.
November 15, 2017

RtI Approved Schools List_2017Oct31

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that have applied for approval to use Response to Instruction(RtI) to determine Specific Learning Disabilities and their approval/renewal dates, as of Oct. 31, 2017.
November 1, 2017

USDE Rescinded Documents

On Friday, October 20, 2017, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) announced that 72 guidance documents related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 have been rescinded. USDE has stated that these documents were outdated, unnecessary, or ineffective. To view these documents, download below.
October 3, 2017

Certificate of Completion

The five Reading Certificates of Attendance and/or four Mathematics Certificates of Attendance and a printable Certificate of Completion can be shared with a supervisor to obtain a validation signature. Completing the series and obtaining the Certificate of Completion is solely at the discretion of each paraprofessional and/or the LEA and is not a requirement of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Special Education or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.