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April 22, 2019

MTSS Fidelity of Implementation Tool: Enhancing RTI

Implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Fidelity Tool: Enhancing Response to Intervention (RTI)

Directions for use: This is a multi-faceted tool that cross-disciplinary teams are encouraged to use to (1) Enhance fidelity of MTSS implementation and/or (2) Systematically evaluate evidence of MTSS effectiveness in preparation for the use of RTI for SLD Determination.

July 10, 2018

Grade 5 - ELA - E05BK1.1.2a - Summarize the text - Ex 1

Intent Statement: Describe key elements of the text relaying the overarching big idea in your own words in an order that makes sense.
July 10, 2018

Grade 5 - ELA - E05BV4.1.1a - Use context to determine the meaning of an unknown or multiple meaning word

Intent Statement: Use clues from the text to define unknown/unfamiliar words or a word that can have many meanings.
July 10, 2018

Grade 5 - ELA - E05BK1.1.2a - Summarize the text - Ex 2

Intent Statement: Describe key elements of the text relaying the overarching big idea in your own words in an order that makes sense.
July 10, 2018

Grade 6 - E06AC2.1.3a - Identify the meaning of a word or phrase in context and how it makes the reader feel

Intent Statement: Use context clues to find the meaning of a word or phrase in text and show how it makes the reader feel.
July 10, 2018

Grade 6 - E06BC2.1.3a - Identify information within the text to determine the author’s point-of-view

Intent Statement: Show how interchanging two words can affect understanding of the text
July 10, 2018

Grade 7 - ELA - E07AC2.1.1a - Determine the points-of-view of two or more characters in a text

Intent Statement: Determine (using reasoning, context cues, word meaning, etc.), the way two or more characters in the same text think or feel.
July 10, 2018

Grade 7 - ELA - E07Ak1.1.3a - Identify how two elements of a story, drama, or poem interact

Intent Statement: Identify two plots, themes, or symbols or a story, drama, poem, and their effect on each other.
July 10, 2018

Grade 7 - ELA - E07AV4.1.1a - Use context to determine the meaning of an unknown or multiple meaning word

Intent Statement: Use clues from the text to define unknown/unfamiliar words or a word that can have many meanings.
July 10, 2018

Grade 8 - ELA - E08AC2.1.3a - Identify the impact of word choice on the meaning of a text

Intent Statement: Determine how the words selected shape comprehension of the story.