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Results 41-50 of 835

11. Screen to Intervene: A Trauma-Informed Emotional and Behavioral Health Decision-Making Model

00:41:15 minutes
This session describes the implementation of a school-wide PBIS emotional and behavioral health assessment to intervention model within an urban school district. Presenters will discuss the evidence for and logistical challenges of a trauma-informed approach with a high-needs student population, and development of a decision-making framework.
1-1: Panel - How are you making it work? | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

1-1: Panel - How are you making it work? | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

01:00:55 minutes
Early Childhood programs are under tremendous stress these days. This panel will provide insights from two experienced coaches about how their programs are keeping things moving forward. There will be opportunities for all participants to share your suggestions and successes to help each other continue to grow and glow!
110. Using Enhancing Core Reading Instruction (ECRI): Enhancing Literacy Outcomes | PBIS 2023

110. Using Enhancing Core Reading Instruction (ECRI): Enhancing Literacy Outcomes | PBIS 2023

00:54:31 minutes
Learn how one school district used resources and guidance to provide support for quality implementation of the ECRI curriculum.
111. Accelerated Learning Toolkit: Facilitated Conversation | PBIS 2023

111. Accelerated Learning Toolkit: Facilitated Conversation | PBIS 2023

01:34:43 minutes
In this session, participants will have an opportunity to explore various strategies in the PDE Accelerated Learning Toolkit. State leads for ATSI and Scaffolded Supports will facilitate conversation around high-leverage practices to accelerate student skill development and growth. Connect with other educators across from Pennsylvania to discuss successes and challenges to implementation of the accelerated learning approaches.
112. Classwide Reading Intervention and Implementation Success | PBIS 2023

112. Classwide Reading Intervention and Implementation Success | PBIS 2023

00:38:37 minutes
Learn about the Middletown Area School District team’s journey toward implementing a classwide reading intervention. Team members will successes, data, and implementation tips they have learned in their efforts to improve literacy outcomes across several classrooms.
113. Significant Math Success at Southside Elementary | PBIS 2023

113. Significant Math Success at Southside Elementary | PBIS 2023

00:50:50 minutes
Southside Elementary school began to utilize Spring Math to assess and intervene in grades K-5 in hopes of improving overall math outcomes for students. Math achievement and growth has always been a challenge in the district and the school was looking for a consistent system to help students learn math concepts and retain math skills. After implementing Spring Math as a cohesive team, the data spoke for itself. Learn how one elementary school implemented and used Spring Math to achieve better math outcomes for all students.
12. Deflating Sails: Dealing with Toxic Team Members | PBIS 2023

12. Deflating Sails: Dealing with Toxic Team Members | PBIS 2023

00:56:20 minutes
In this session participants will examine effective strategies for increasing teacher buy in to initiatives. Content for this session will focus primarily on navigating relationships and implementation when team members have a negative response to the initiative. Participants will be able to problem solve through scenarios, examine policy changes that support buy in, and apply these concepts to their own implementation initiatives.
12. Stop the Stall, Move Fragile Adolescent Readers Forward | 2022 Literacy Symposium

12. Stop the Stall, Move Fragile Adolescent Readers Forward | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:03:44 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Join reading intervention author, Marilyn Sprick. Explore what it takes to help older students move out of the reading doldrums to reading with confidence and motivation. Listen to and hear the difference as intervention students take pride in their improvements.
12. Using Measures and Interventions for Numeracy Development in Tier 1 ... | Math Conference 2023

12. Using Measures and Interventions for Numeracy Development in Tier 1 ... | Math Conference 2023

01:12:07 minutes
Teachers need intervention materials that are free, accessible, & research based. This session will present the Measures & Interventions for Numeracy Development (M.I.N.D), a set of open source materials that educators can use to increase computation skills. Participants will leave the session with the ability to access materials and use these to support the development of students’ computation skills. (K - 6)

13. A Winning Approach to Year One SWPBS Implementation

00:42:10 minutes
Members of the West Chester Area School District will discuss Year One SWPBS implementation in their elementary school. The Mary C. Howse Elementary School SWPBS Core Team devised a unique and effective timeline for Tier 1 implementation in their K-5 school. We will share how MCH students Make exCellence Happen each and every day!