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04. Importance of Language in the Math Classroom | Math Conference 2023

04. Importance of Language in the Math Classroom | Math Conference 2023

01:02:35 minutes
Students will have difficulty with math if they don't understand the language of math. In this session, we focus on ways to help students learn the formal language of math and strategies for using math vocabulary with precision. Leave this session with strategies for boosting the math language used in the classroom! (K - 8)
04. Integrating Restorative Practices in MTSS | PBIS 2023

04. Integrating Restorative Practices in MTSS | PBIS 2023

00:50:27 minutes
Restorative Practices are proactive strategies that focus on building relationships and community within school settings and can be integrated into existing MTSS systems. This session will guide participants in establishing restorative practices through a coaching process. Specific case examples will be provided.
04. Structured Literacy Among English Learners | 2022 Literacy Symposium

04. Structured Literacy Among English Learners | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:04:01 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 04. Structured Literacy Among English Learners: What Every Teacher Should Know There are 5 million English learners attending public schools today. Every educator must therefore understand how to design and implement Structured Literacy among this diverse population of students. This session will address the evidence-based practices for incorporating intentional oral language strategies within Structured Literacy lessons. Participants will learn the cross-linguistic features of several languages and how to design reading instruction which integrates first and second language knowledge. Strategies will be modeled and practiced for ease of implementation.
05. Doing More with Less: Increasing Incentives, Fundraising, and School Spirit | PBIS 2023

05. Doing More with Less: Increasing Incentives, Fundraising, and School Spirit | PBIS 2023

00:54:25 minutes
Are you a school who is struggling to establish a successful PBIS program due to lack of funds or staff buy-in? It’s time to do more with less. Implementing an all-encompassing program, such as PBIS, can be difficult! Don’t let that stop you from finding new ways to reach every student school-wide! Learn how to overcome common obstacles such as budget restraints, teacher/staff buy-in, incentivizing and reaching/maintaining Tier 1 status. We did more with less and so can you!
05. Using the Instructional Hierarchy to Match Student Skill Patterns ... | Math Conference 2023

05. Using the Instructional Hierarchy to Match Student Skill Patterns ... | Math Conference 2023

01:11:48 minutes
It is imperative that educators systematically assess and link patterns in student responding to empirically validated intervention components. This session will outline how to use the Instructional Hierarchy to guide matching assessment data to specific interventions. (K - 6)
06. Advancing the Science of Reading in Higher Education | 2022 Literacy Symposium

06. Advancing the Science of Reading in Higher Education | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:43:41 minutes
Access all of the sessions at This session will include a panel of teacher preparation educators who will discuss how they include the Science of Reading and Structured literacy in their programs.
06. Check-In/Check Out & Tier 2: Ready-to-Go Resources to Increase Self-Efficacy | PBIS 2023

06. Check-In/Check Out & Tier 2: Ready-to-Go Resources to Increase Self-Efficacy | PBIS 2023

00:58:15 minutes
You will be provided with tools to supplement evidence -based multi-tiered systems of support for Tier 2 students through the use of (CICO). Participants will leave with evidence-based programming knowledge, resources ready for implementation according to your needs, and a timeline for successful implementation. You will leave with copies of digital documents via Google Drive to calculate automatically and analyze student data/progress based on individual student goals.
06. FRACTIONS ARE HARD! Here's Why and Here's What to Do About it | Math Conference 2023

06. FRACTIONS ARE HARD! Here's Why and Here's What to Do About it | Math Conference 2023

01:10:22 minutes
Are fractions "part of a whole"? Points on the number line? Are they numbers? Adding portions of pie makes sense, but multiplying 2/3 of a pie and 4/5 of a pie is meaningless! So, is the arithmetic of fractions we were taught relevant? This session is for all who want to make sense of fractions, once and for all! (Grades 3 - 6)
07. Embedded Instruction in the Inclusive Math Classroom for Students ... | Math Conference 2023

07. Embedded Instruction in the Inclusive Math Classroom for Students ... | Math Conference 2023

01:13:48 minutes
This presentation will focus on how educators can develop and promote meaningful personalized math instruction within the inclusive classrooms. We will explore research findings that focus on the development of an individualized inclusive educational framework utilizing personalized supports, explicit early numeracy skill instruction, grade-aligned math curriculum and embedded systematic instruction for students with extensive support needs. Through teacher-directed professional development and planning, educational teams can increase student numeracy during grade-aligned inclusive math lessons. Together we will dive deeper into ways for educational teams (general educator, special educator, and paraprofessional) to utilize research-based practices for students with extensive support needs within the inclusive math classroom. With a continued call for research and practice to address the necessity for both quality math instruction and meaningful inclusive education for students with extensive support needs, this presentation will engage participants in data driven discussions regarding implementation.
07. PBIS Reinforce and Refresher Ideas for Students & Staff | PBIS 2023

07. PBIS Reinforce and Refresher Ideas for Students & Staff | PBIS 2023

00:53:20 minutes
Session will present creative ways to refresh students on PBIS expectations and reinforce following school rules, discuss ideas on encouraging staff to feel renewed as well as ideas for fundraising ideas.