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What We Say Matters | PaTTANpod [S2E2]

What We Say Matters | PaTTANpod [S2E2]

Guest Shauna King, a school culture and climate coach, helps us to better understand how the language we use in our schools has significant impact on our students and the adults in our building.
What’s the Field Saying About Reading? | PaTTANpod [S1E13]

What’s the Field Saying About Reading? | PaTTANpod [S1E13]

Emily Hanford shares insights from the field around her work of literacy and literacy instruction.

When Should a Child Have an Eye Exam?

00:04:18 minutes
Who are the Children with CVI?

Who are the Children with CVI?

00:41:51 minutes
CVI affects children in different ways depending on the age of onset of the condition, the parts of the brain compromised, and the extent of the damage. In this webinar the unique ways that CVI manifests in children will be examined and clarified. We’ll discuss what is CVI; who are children who have CVI; how are these children identified in the schools; and reasons underlying misidentification. This is webinar one of an 8-part series.

Windows Accessibility for Students with High-Incidence Disabilities

01:55:04 minutes
This webinar provides an overview of built-in accessibility tools, Windows operating system features, and common productivity tools that can be useful to students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., dyslexia, learning disabilities). It includes discussion and demonstration of third-party tools that are available at low or no-cost to serve the same purposes. Participants will also find the information useful for incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approaches to their instruction and supports.
Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors?  | Exploring & Integrating Diverse Children’s Literature

Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors? | Exploring & Integrating Diverse Children’s Literature

00:36:44 minutes
This session will focus on how literature can help enrich children's lives as they see their own lives reflected in the pages, experience lives and stories that are different from their own, and learn to feel empathy for the characters in the stories.

Word Analysis Toolkit: Optimizing Word Reading-Decoding, Word Analysis, and Word Study Interventions

02:01:13 minutes
The Literacy Tookit is a training series consisting of a progressive sequence of interactive webinars focused on expanding the instructional interventions used to promote the literacy achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentations in the training series will focus on how to use assessment information primarily from the Qualitative Reading Inventory-5 (QRI-5), as well as other evidenced based assessments (norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and progress monitoring) to plan and implement instructional interventions. Instructional delivery “techniques” and implementation “tips and tricks” will be discussed, and a set of intervention resources, materials, weblinks, and e-learning applications will be assembled for each topic to assist with implementation.
Word Generation - Team Implementation | Middle School (Grades 6-8) Word Generation Implementation

Word Generation - Team Implementation | Middle School (Grades 6-8) Word Generation Implementation

00:50:32 minutes
The East Juniata Elementary School team who participated in the session, Effective Implementation of Academic Vocabulary Instruction and Student Discourse, and began implementation of Word Generation from fall to winter, will prepare and share a brief presentation describing and explaining their Word Generation implementation experience and outcomes. Link to handouts:

Working with Families When a Child Has an Acquired Brain Injury - Part 1

01:07:04 minutes
This session will focus on the family responses after ABI and the means for working with families to support them in difficult times. Ability to respond to varying coping styles, family systems, resilience, and challenges will be outlined. Active participation of the audience is encouraged.

Working with Families When a Child Has an Acquired Brain Injury - Part 2

02:47:27 minutes
This session will focus on the family responses after ABI and the means for working with families to support them in difficult times. Ability to respond to varying coping styles, family systems, resilience, and challenges will be outlined. Active participation of the audience is encouraged.