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Update on the Dyslexia Pilot Project

01:28:50 minutes
Act 69 of 2014, the Dyslexia Screening and Early Literacy Intervention Pilot Program became effective on June 26, 2014 (24 P.S. Article XVII-C). This Act requires the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to establish an early literacy intervention and dyslexia pilot program to provide evidence-based early screening using evidence- based services for students with potential risk factors for early reading deficiencies and dyslexia, such as low phonemic awareness, low letter and symbol naming and inability to remember sequences. This session will provide an update on the pilot program, which will operate for three full years beginning with the 2015-16 school year.

Update on the Dyslexia Pilot Project

01:04:42 minutes
Act 69 of 2014, the Dyslexia Screening and Early Literacy Intervention Pilot Program became effective on June 26, 2014 (24 P.S. Article XVII-C). This Act requires the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to establish an early literacy intervention and dyslexia pilot program to provide evidence-based early screening using evidence-based services for students with potential risk factors for early reading deficiencies and dyslexia, such as low phonemic awareness, low letter and symbol naming and inability to remember sequences. This session will provide an update on the pilot program, which will operate for three full years beginning with the 2015-16 school year.
Use of Data to Inform Instruction | Designing and Implementing High Leverage Instructional Practices

Use of Data to Inform Instruction | Designing and Implementing High Leverage Instructional Practices

02:55:46 minutes
This session will focus on the use of Data to Inform Growth and how those data are used to Inform Instruction. First, this webinar will focus on "data interpretation decision-rules" to differentiate between growth, improvement without growth and loss of improvement. Central to these decision rules is consensus (mindset) regarding how to interpret data using these decision rules. Second, this webinar will focus on "instructional decision-rules" regarding instructional decision making based on the data decision rules. LINK TO HANDOUTS:

Use of Practice Profile Rubric, Discussion Guide, and Implementation Plan

00:11:15 minutes
This presentation explains how teams can utilize the self-rating MAX Practice Profile Implementation Rubric, Discussion Guide, and the Status and Implementation Plan for the purpose of action planning.

Using RtI Data to Improve Student Learning

01:04:49 minutes
Response to Intervention implementation is an ever-changing, dynamic process characterized by progress and set-backs as a normal part of systems change. Listen to Dr. Amanda VanDerHeyden, Nationally known RtI expert, as she speaks to the trials and tribulations of RtI adoption and implementation.

Visible Learning: Collective Teacher Efficacy

01:18:48 minutes
What if you could triple the speed of student learning? According to findings by Professor John Hattie, a strong sense of Collective Teacher Efficacy can yield over three years of student growth over one school year. Now ranked the most powerful influence on achievement in the Visible Learning research, Collective Teacher Efficacy is a belief that together teachers can positively impact student learning. When efficacy is high, teachers show greater persistence and are more likely to try new learning approaches. Join Visible Learning expert, Kristin Anderson, for a review of the major factors that influence student learning and a discussion about how to create the conditions for Collective Teacher Efficacy.

Vision and Learning

00:40:59 minutes
What Administrators Need to Know about Family Engagement - Part 1

What Administrators Need to Know about Family Engagement - Part 1

02:00:17 minutes
This two-part series for administrators will present a deep dive into Family Engagement from multiple perspectives. We will examine family engagement research, strategies, and best practices that can be implemented in a variety of different settings. Practical experiences from family members will be shared. Action steps for developing the capacity of schools and families to form meaningful and productive partnerships for improving student outcomes will be discussed. Day 1 Description Part one of this training series will explore the definition of family engagement, the impact of communication with families and establishing effective strategies for enhancing family engagement practices.
What Administrators Need to Know About Family Engagement - Part 2

What Administrators Need to Know About Family Engagement - Part 2

01:43:51 minutes
This two-part series for administrators will present a deep dive into Family Engagement from multiple perspectives. We will examine family engagement research, strategies, and best practices that can be implemented in a variety of different settings. Practical experiences from family members will be shared. Action steps for developing the capacity of schools and families to form meaningful and productive partnerships for improving student outcomes will be discussed. Day 2 Description Part two of this training series will examine approaches to identify family engagement stakeholders, emphasize the centrality of family and youth voices in the family engagement process and review virtual tools to maximize family engagement practices.
What is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)? | MTSS Morsels

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)? | MTSS Morsels

00:04:49 minutes
MTSS Morsels are developed to help LEAs build awareness and understanding of the MTSS framework.