State Task Force


On May 5, 1972, the Federal District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania made final the order, injunction, stipulation and consent agreement in the suit filed by the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC), currently The Arc of Pennsylvania, against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Secretary of the Department of Education, the State Board of Education, the Secretary of the Department of Public Welfare and all their instrumentalities on behalf of 13 Children with mental retardation who had been denied access to a free public program of education and training PARC v. Comm. of Pa. 343 F. Supp. 279 (1972). The agreement mandated the development of a Commonwealth Plan for the Identification, Location and Evaluation of Mentally Retarded Children (COMPILE), and Commonwealth Plan for the Education and Training of Mentally Retarded Children (COMPET) as well as the establishment of due process procedures. These documents were developed through the coordinated effort of the Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Public Welfare and Association for Retarded Children (PARC). They were reviewed for contents and approved. COMPILE provided for the establishment of a state task force and 29 local task forces (one in each intermediate unit) whose primary purpose is to insure that the intent and spirit of the Right to Education Consent Agreement is carried out throughout the commonwealth.


State Task Force Panel

Chairperson- Dr. Amy Pastork

PA Department of Education Bureau of Special Education
Asst Director Bureau Special Education

Chairperson- Timothy Krushinski

PA Department of Education Bureau of Special Education
Policy Advisor

Sharon Kennedy

 PaTTAN Central
Administrative Support


The Office of Developmental Programs
State Task Force DHS Liaison


Arc of PA


Meeting Schedule

2024-2025 Meetings Date Time
State Task Force Meeting- September     09/18/2024  10AM to 12PM
State Task Force Meeting- November   11/06/2024  10AM to 12PM
State Task Force Meeting-January   01/08/2025  10AM to 12PM
State Task Force Meeting-March   03/19/2025  10AM to 12PM
State Task Force Meeting-May   05/14/2025  10AM to 12PM

Meeting Minutes

2024-25 Meetings