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Results 31-40 of 835
102. Squad Goals: Implementing Effective Peer-Mediated Interventions | PBIS 2023

102. Squad Goals: Implementing Effective Peer-Mediated Interventions | PBIS 2023

01:39:48 minutes
This presentation will focus on the use of peers as change agents in schools via Tier 2 peer-mediated interventions. We will discuss the various types of peer-mediated interventions, advantages and disadvantages of utilizing peers to implement interventions, and ways to troubleshoot peer-mediated interventions and promote their effectiveness. Resources will be provided so that attendees can empower their students to support their peers’ development in schools.
103. Adapting Tier 2 Social, Emotional, Behavioral Interventions to Meet the Needs ... | PBIS 2023

103. Adapting Tier 2 Social, Emotional, Behavioral Interventions to Meet the Needs ... | PBIS 2023

01:25:46 minutes
103. Adapting Tier 2 Social, Emotional, Behavioral Interventions to Meet the Needs of All Students This session will highlight the importance of taking the evidence-based kernels of Tier 2 interventions and adapting the adjacent malleable components of interventions to meet the meet the needs of students. Adaptations that will be highlighted include responsiveness, unresponsiveness, cultural and contextual, and age and developmental level. This problem solving system of using a few interventions well and adapting them to be the most effective for students creates an efficient Tier 2 system.
105. A High Dive into MTSS | PBIS 2023

105. A High Dive into MTSS | PBIS 2023

01:48:00 minutes
Learn how Conemaugh Valley Elementary School moved from a failing post-Covid system into a full blown Reading and Math MTSS school in one year. Learn the steps they took to get there, the adversities they faced along the way, and the victories they've celebrated because of this sink or swim adventure! Wear your life vests please because it's extremely deep water!
106. The Ethics of PBIS Implementation | PBIS 2023

106. The Ethics of PBIS Implementation | PBIS 2023

01:46:42 minutes
This session will describe the ethical challenges inherent in the implementation of PBIS. Using the Ethics Code as a guide, the presenters will review the applicable Code standards as they apply to PBIS work in schools, including a discussion of real-life examples.
107. MTSS Supporting ELA beyond Grade 5: Panel Discussion and Implementation Workshop | PBIS 2023

107. MTSS Supporting ELA beyond Grade 5: Panel Discussion and Implementation Workshop | PBIS 2023

02:00:11 minutes
Secondary MTSS can be a challenge for districts to know where to start, what to tackle, and how to overcome the barriers inherent to installing systematized supports within a Middle and High School setting. The leadership teams from the Indiana Area School District and the Connellsville Area School District will share their journey through an interactive panel discussion embedded within a Secondary MTSS implementation workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring LEA teams or district leaders to reflect on current practices and create possible actionable items to "take-away" and support the complex systemic change that is required for development of MTSS practices an LEA. Both IASD and CASD, within the Systemic Customized Support framework and partnerships with PaTTAN and IUs 1 and 28, have implemented components of: Literacy Intervention, PBIS, PVAAS analysis, Early Warning System installation, data-driven decision making, and MTSS teaming to support improvement around academic achievement, attendance, graduation/ dropout, teacher knowledge while maintaining and increasing supportive structures for students will disabilities.
108. Tier 3 Problem-Solving to Support the Path to Literacy for All Students | PBIS 2023108. Tier 3 Problem-Solving to Support the Path to Literacy for All Students | PBIS 2023

108. Tier 3 Problem-Solving to Support the Path to Literacy for All Students | PBIS 2023108. Tier 3 Problem-Solving to Support the Path to Literacy for All Students | PBIS 2023

00:48:35 minutes
Learn about the Keystone Central School District team’s journey toward problem solving and instructional intensification to support students with the most significant literacy needs. Tier 3 team members will share both challenges and successes they have learned in their efforts to improve literacy outcomes for every student. Learn about the Keystone Central School District team’s journey toward problem solving and instructional intensification to support students with the most significant literacy needs. Tier 3 team members will share both challenges and successes they have learned in their efforts to improve literacy outcomes for every student.
109. Aligning Problem-Solving, Resources, and Interventions in the Advanced Tiers | PBIS 2023

109. Aligning Problem-Solving, Resources, and Interventions in the Advanced Tiers | PBIS 2023

00:48:24 minutes
Professionals from the SCASD will give an overview of their process for data-based decision making, allocation of resources, and targeting instruction for students receiving intensive reading intervention. Student progress examples will be discussed within the context of moving students from Tier 3 through the MDE process to make a determination of SLD using RtI. Discussions about how school teams can focus on matching interventions to areas of need, align instruction across the tiers, and use multiple data sources that are essential to making high-stakes decisions will be facilitated and reviewed.
11. A Classwide Reading Intervention that Works | 2022 Literacy Symposium

11. A Classwide Reading Intervention that Works | 2022 Literacy Symposium

00:59:37 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Come learn about a class-wide reading intervention for grades 2-8 that will raise the reading proficiency of your students. Lindsay implemented this class-wide intervention and her class median score of 50 words correct per minute improved to 64 words correct per minute in just 2 weeks. Come learn how you can apply this intervention in your classroom and listen as Lindsay shares her tips, mistakes, and questions as she applied research to her practice this past year. Leave with specific strategies and resources to implement this research-based intervention in your classroom.
11. Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Math Classroom | Math Conference 2023

11. Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Math Classroom | Math Conference 2023

01:12:50 minutes
This session will enable educators to consider and discuss culturally relevant tasks in the mathematics classroom. With this knowledge base, educational professionals will explore the importance of design and meaningful delivery of culturally responsive evidence-based practices in mathematics principles, intended to support all students within an MTSS framework. (K – 12).
11. Operation Behavior: Providing Triage Throughout Advanced Tiers | PBIS 2023

11. Operation Behavior: Providing Triage Throughout Advanced Tiers | PBIS 2023

00:55:40 minutes
Do the 1-5% of students in the top tier of your school's PBIS triangle seem to cause the most chaos? This chaos may feel like being in an emergency room, but this interactive session will provide triage to any upcoming or implemented Tier 3 program. Discover a pathway to provide a one-page document for that child’s team that covers preventative, instructive, and responsive strategies that align with the child’s function of behavior. No medical degree required!