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07. The Writing Rope: A Framework for Evidence-Based Writing Instruction | 2022 Literacy Symposium

07. The Writing Rope: A Framework for Evidence-Based Writing Instruction | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:05:39 minutes
Access all of the sessions at Participants in this workshop will learn why summarizing has been identified through research as highly effective for developing both comprehension and writing. Practical suggestions for explicit teaching of summary writing based on text and non-text sources will be shared, including scaffolds.
08. Better Bus Behavior: Tier 1 and 2 Solutions | PBIS 2023

08. Better Bus Behavior: Tier 1 and 2 Solutions | PBIS 2023

00:40:49 minutes
How can we better manage bus behavior? Valley View Elementary has successfully tackled this question using a multi-tiered system of supports. Through an interactive presentation, attendees will learn how to decrease bus referrals and will leave with simple ideas to implement into their own community of learning right away. Discover Tier 1 initiatives to seamlessly incorporate into any existing PBS program, and a Tier 2 intervention that only requires one faculty member.
08. The Syntax Attuned Educator | 2022 Literacy Symposium

08. The Syntax Attuned Educator | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:05:21 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 08. The Syntax Attuned Educator: Supporting Students’ Ability to Comprehend and Write Sentences Syntactic knowledge, the ability to understand a variety of grammatical structures within the context of a sentence, supports students’ comprehension of text. This session presents research on syntax and explains its critical role in comprehending complex text. Armed with this understanding, educators learn how to teach their students the functions of sentence parts—words, phrases, and clauses—in order to show them how to unpack the meaning of sentences they encounter in text.
08. Writing in Mathematics | Math Conference 2023

08. Writing in Mathematics | Math Conference 2023

01:09:15 minutes
In this presentation Dr. Hughes will discuss the benefits of writing in math class! She will share different ways to engage students in written mathematical expression, including a self-regulation strategy that Dr. Hughes developed and has implemented across Pennsylvania. If you want to learn more about how to get students thinking (and writing) about when, how, and why they do math, this is the session for you! We will talk about how to differentiate math writing to support diverse learners, including English Language Learners and students with disabilities. Dr. Hughes will share several resources for use in your classroom. (Graces 3- 8)
09. Teaching reading using a speech-to-print approach | 2022 Literacy Symposium

09. Teaching reading using a speech-to-print approach | 2022 Literacy Symposium

01:10:38 minutes
Access all of the sessions at 09. Teaching reading using a speech-to-print approach: A new twist of the Reading Rope What exactly is speech-to-print instruction, and why does it have a such a strong positive impact on learning to read, write, and spell? A “speech-to-print” approach puts spoken language first to leverage the brain's innate, biological wiring and organization for oral language. With “speech to print”, spelling is the gateway through which students learn how to read and write. Students first learn how to attend to the sound structure of spoken English words and then how to connect and combine sounds, letter patterns, and meanings to read and spell words. This is exactly how the brain works in good readers and writers and current reading science research, including brain-imaging studies, shows strong gains in reading and writing performance and added academic benefits for students receiving speech-to-print instruction vs. print-to-speech instruction. ALL students – and especially students who have or are at high-risk for reading and writing problems – can benefit from a speech-to-print approach to reading and writing. Whether you’re a classroom teacher, classroom aide, literacy coach or consultant, interventionist or other specialist, this two-part course will empower you with a purposeful understanding of speech-to-print instruction and give you specific and practical ideas that have a powerful impact on students’ reading and writing. You’ll see how easy it is to make everyday teaching practices more effective by giving them a speech-to-print tweak. You’ll leave with useful ideas that you can immediately put into action to quickly observe positive changes in your students' learning.
09. Their Voice - Enhancing Student Voice in PBIS | PBIS 2023

09. Their Voice - Enhancing Student Voice in PBIS | PBIS 2023

00:58:48 minutes
Audition Time! Welcome to Joe Walker’s presentation of “Their Voice”. This episode takes you from blind auditions through the finale, weaving in the essentials of student voice into PBIS. The students on our team shine on stage as they dazzle you with their leadership skills. This act will make you push the button and turn your PBIS chair around! Join us to learn our framework which relies on incorporating student voice for a successful PBIS implementation.

1. Focus on the Moments! (Opening Keynote)

01:13:12 minutes
Consider that there are 23,363 schools using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. That is approximately 11,762,345 students receiving supports within a PBIS framework ( Each student attends approximately 180 days per school year which translates to 950 hours or 57,000 minutes of instruction ( This equates to 670,453,665,000 moments per student per year. Education is a profession with challenges and demands every minute; a high rate of decision-making every minute; and, high stakes. In each moment, we have the opportunity to improve the likelihood of our students’ and educators’ success. If we have a bad moment, we can turn that moment around and make the next moment better! Let’s make every moment count!

1. Preventing Behavior and Mental Health Problems through Improved School Climate

01:20:18 minutes
Schools often struggle to address student behavior problems, and rarely consider the importance of school climate as a contextual factor influencing these outcomes. This session will highlight the role of school climate in preventing and addressing student behavioral and mental health problems. We will also consider the role of student and staff connectedness in school climate, and ways to leverage the tiered PBIS framework to improve school climate, and in turn promote favorable behavioral and mental health for students.
10. Evidence-based Curriculum Evaluation of Math Instructional Programs | Math Conference 2023

10. Evidence-based Curriculum Evaluation of Math Instructional Programs | Math Conference 2023

01:08:10 minutes
This session will discuss how to generate and apply evidence-based criteria to evaluating and selecting commercial math curricula. First, critical findings from research in the areas of mathematics instruction, cognitive psychology, and instructional design will be highlighted. Next the presenter will discuss how those research findings can be translated into evaluation criteria. Finally, a process for applying the evaluation criteria to math instructional programs will be illustrated. (K - 8; Admin)
10. Flying High With the Falcon 4: How District Expectations Are Embraced in 5 ... | PBIS 2023

10. Flying High With the Falcon 4: How District Expectations Are Embraced in 5 ... | PBIS 2023

00:56:54 minutes
10. Flying High With the Falcon 4: How District Expectations Are Embraced in 5 Different Schools Soar on over and experience a fresh approach to PBIS. The Pottsgrove School District embraces the Falcon 4: Be Safe, Be Positive, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. Swoop in to witness how we integrate the Falcon 4 district-wide. You will get a bird's eye view of creative ways we acknowledge students and staff, and how we fund PBIS. Come fly with us as we show you how we care for our school, community, and each other!