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Results 931-934 of 934

Writing for ALL: Tools, Strategies, and Everyday Expectations for Students with Complex Needs

02:42:08 minutes
From the very start, writing is an essential, unquestioned component of literacy development for students without disabilities. For students with significant disabilities who are unable hold a pencil, writing may be laborious, frustrating, and may seem just impossible. However, with the right tools, activities and supports, it is completely possible. With an emphasis on early writing, from scribble to writing beginning words for students of all ages, a range of writing tools and teaching strategies will be demonstrated, such as "alternative pencils," AAC devices, and iPads.

Writing Measurable Standards-Aligned IEP Goals for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

01:39:19 minutes
This videoconference focused on effective practices for utilizing Pennsylvania's Standards Aligned System (SAS) to develop measurable IEP goals that are aligned with PA standards, anchors, eligible content, or an element of the curriculum framework. Particular emphasis was given to skills that commonly need to be addressed when working with students who are deaf or hard of hearing, e.g. vocabulary development, self-advocacy, auditory training.

Writing Standards-Aligned Measurable Annual Goals for Secondary IEPs

02:27:19 minutes
This webinar is specifically designed for participants who have completed Indicator 13 training. This webinar will review in detail the process for developing standards-aligned measurable annual goals that prepare students to achieve their post-secondary goals. Participants will practice writing one or more standards-aligned measurable annual goals based on clearly identified present levels of academic achievement and functional performance.

Youth Development and Youth Leadership

01:58:51 minutes
Self-determination and self-advocacy are keys to success for youth and young adults as they transition from high school to adult life. During this session, presented in collaboration with the National Community of Practice on Secondary Transition, information regarding resources and strategies to enhance inclusive youth engagement and leadership will be shared from a variety of presenters from across the country.