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Effective Date:February 1, 2020 | Topics:
EGYÉNI OKTATÁSI-NEVELÉSI PROGRAM (IEP) Revised IEP February 2020 – Section IV of the IEP, State and Local Assessments, has been revised to reflect changes concerning the PSSA-M and Keystone Exams. The PSSA-Modified is no longer offered as a state assessment and has been removed from the IEP. The 11th grade PSSA is no longer offered as a measure of adequate yearly progress under No Child Left Behind and has been removed from the IEP. The Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams will replace the 11th grade PSSA as a measure of adequate yearly progress beginning the 2012-13 school year. English Language Arts has been added to the IEP and will replace the PSSA reading and writing assessments. This revised section of the IEP may be phased in but must be fully implemented by April 30, 2013. Please refer to the Penn*Link dated October 1, 2012 for additional information.
Age:School Age
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