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Results 11-20 of 33

Bookshare: Overview and Downloading - Day 1

01:17:55 minutes
This two-part webinar provides participants with an introduction to Bookshare. During the first session, participants will learn about the essential features of Bookshare including: the Bookshare library, types of Bookshare memberships, signing up for Bookshare, qualification requirements, and Bookshare as a source of Accessible Educational Materials (AEM). During the second session, participants will learn how to utilize materials housed in Bookshare including: Bookshare’s specialized formats, downloading and saving Bookshare books, and options for reading Bookshare books.

Bookshare: Overview and Downloading - Day 2

01:03:12 minutes
This two-part webinar provides participants with an introduction to Bookshare. During the first session, participants will learn about the essential features of Bookshare including: the Bookshare library, types of Bookshare memberships, signing up for Bookshare, qualification requirements, and Bookshare as a source of Accessible Educational Materials (AEM). During the second session, participants will learn how to utilize materials housed in Bookshare including: Bookshare’s specialized formats, downloading and saving Bookshare books, and options for reading Bookshare books.

Common Vision Problems

02:49:02 minutes

Converting EBAE (English Braille American Edition) to UEB (Unified English Braille) with Duxbury

00:53:15 minutes
The course will explain how to manipulate braille from the old braille code (EBAE) to the new braille code (UEB), while maintaining the integrity of accuracy and format.
CVI Myths & Misconceptions

CVI Myths & Misconceptions

00:54:07 minutes
In this first session of the 2024-25 TVI Time webinar series, we delve into the world of supporting students with CVI, a brain-based visual impairment. Our discussion will address common questions, debunk myths, and clarify misconceptions surrounding CVI. We cover essential terminology, certification requirements, and trends in the field.

CVI Spring Training: Past the Basics

02:36:57 minutes
Recorded at PaTTAN offices on March 24, 2015. Presenter Beth Ramella, M.Ed. discusses evaluation and instruction for students with cortical visual impairments (CVI).
CVI: Multiple Methods of Assessment: Selection and Coordination

CVI: Multiple Methods of Assessment: Selection and Coordination

00:59:43 minutes
Various methods are required to assess children who have CVI. Systematic ways to select and coordinate these methods will be presented. One example will be within a learning media assessment. This is webinar four of an 8-part series.
Educational Visual Impairment Eligibly – OSEP Memo 17-05

Educational Visual Impairment Eligibly – OSEP Memo 17-05

00:12:30 minutes
This recording reviews the salient points in Memo 17-05 on Visual Impairment Eligibility from the US. Office of Special Education Programs.

IEP Team Considerations that Impact Graduation and Secondary Transition Success for Students with Deaf-Blindness

00:50:55 minutes
The purpose of this webinar is to provide specific information regarding the graduation requirements and the various pathways to graduation in the state of Pennsylvania with an emphasis on IEP team considerations for students with Deaf-Blindness.

I'm the Deaf-Blind Liaison...What Do I Do Now?

00:43:55 minutes
Deaf-Blind Liaisons serve as the point person for families and staff for LEAs who provide services to a student with deaf-blindness. This webinar will define the role of the liaison, provide foundational information on deaf-blindness and its impact on learning, as well as direct the liaison to the supports and resources which may support teams. Deaf-Blind Liaisons serve as the point person for families and staff for LEAs who provide services to a student with deaf-blindness. This webinar will define the role of the liaison, provide foundational information on deaf-blindness and its impact on learning, as well as direct the liaison to the supports and resources which may support teams.