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What Administrators Need to Know About Family Engagement - Part 2

What Administrators Need to Know About Family Engagement - Part 2

01:43:51 minutes
This two-part series for administrators will present a deep dive into Family Engagement from multiple perspectives. We will examine family engagement research, strategies, and best practices that can be implemented in a variety of different settings. Practical experiences from family members will be shared. Action steps for developing the capacity of schools and families to form meaningful and productive partnerships for improving student outcomes will be discussed. Day 2 Description Part two of this training series will examine approaches to identify family engagement stakeholders, emphasize the centrality of family and youth voices in the family engagement process and review virtual tools to maximize family engagement practices.

What Families Need to Know to Support Check In Check Out At Home

00:59:21 minutes
Check In Check Out (CICO) is a highly effective research based strategy used to provide students with additional academic or behavioral feedback and reinforcement. The strategy, typically applied in the school setting, can be successfully implemented in the home environment to extend learning and consistency. During this webinar, PaTTAN consultants and participating LEA members discuss the components of the CICO strategy and explain how to support the use of this strategy at home.