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2016 Dyslexia Awareness Day: A Parent Shares Her Story

00:07:21 minutes
Listen to Ashley’s heartfelt story about her first-born child and their journey as she struggled to learn how to read. Reflect on Dr. Sally Shaywitz’s words as she spoke with Ashley about meeting the needs of students with dyslexia. Be inspired by the resiliency in our children.

An Introduction to the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) – A Presentation for Parents

00:19:59 minutes
Parents play a major role in the education of their children. This is particularly true with a child who has a disability. Navigating the world of special education can be challenging. One resource to assist parents with their children’s education is the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, PaTTAN. This short session - the first in a series - gives parents an overview of the PaTTAN system and how it can provide clarification, opportunities for learning, and other resources to help them on their journey.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Five: Pulling it all Together

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Five: Pulling it all Together

00:01:13 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Five of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will recap what we have learned so far to support a person’s successful transition.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Four: ODP 101

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Four: ODP 101

00:02:36 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Four of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will discuss the Office of Developmental Programs and their role in a person’s successful transition.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter One: Introduction

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter One: Introduction

00:06:54 minutes
Welcome to the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. The goal of this five-part series is to help educators and community agency personnel learn about each other’s respective roles in secondary transition planning and how working together can lead to lifelong success for students with disabilities.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Three: OVR 101

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Three: OVR 101

00:02:24 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Three of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will discuss the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and their role in a person’s successful transition.
Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Two: Education 101

Connecting for Employment Training Series, Chapter Two: Education 101

00:03:25 minutes
Welcome to Chapter Two of the Pennsylvania Secondary Transition “Connecting for Employment” training series. In this video, we will discuss the Pennsylvania Department of Education - Bureau of Special Education and their role in a person’s successful transition.

Empowering Families as Partners in the Least Restrictive Environment - A Presentation for Parents

00:31:39 minutes
This 32 minute webcast describes for parents the concept of the Least Restrict Environment (LRE) in which students with disabilities are educated. Special Education is a service, not a place. LRE indicates where special education service(s) take place, and how much students with disabilities are afforded the opportunity to learn alongside, and participate with, same-age peers who do not have disabilities. The webcast discusses federal and state regulations, how parents can get involved, and how to find your Local Educational Agency¹s (LEA) results on LRE monitoring. Resources and information on learning more about LRE are included.

Linking Families to School: Technology Tips

00:43:01 minutes
Improved communication between home and school, increased access to student grades and assignments, and sharing resources to support student learning are all ways in which technology can be used to link families to school. During this webinar, members of a Local Educational Agency (LEA) along with PaTTAN educational consultants will share their implementation strategies using available technology resources and tools.

Maximizing Academic Access, Expectations, and Learning: Supports for Educating Students with Complex Instructional Needs

00:15:36 minutes
This video provides an overview of Project MAX, a State Personnel Development Grant awarded to the Pennsylvania Department of Education by the Office of Special Education Programs. Intermediate Unit and Local Education Agency team members across Pennsylvania describe the benefits and their experiences as they implement the practices of the project.