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Writing Comprehensive Evaluation Reports When Using RTI for SLD (3/30/2022)

Writing Comprehensive Evaluation Reports When Using RTI for SLD (3/30/2022)

02:50:14 minutes
This session will address how to write comprehensive Evaluation Reports for students referred for specific learning disabilities when using response to intervention methodologies. Participants will review how to operationalize and document contemporary approaches to responsiveness to intervention and level of performance specific to a student’s referred area of academic performance. Consideration and documentation of federally-required classroom observations and rule-out criteria (e.g., lack of instruction; other conditions; environmental / economic disadvantage; limited English proficiency) will also be reviewed. Case studies will be used to illustrated how to document all required elements of a comprehensive evaluation for specific learning disabilities.

Writing Measurable Standards-Aligned IEP Goals for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

01:39:19 minutes
This videoconference focused on effective practices for utilizing Pennsylvania's Standards Aligned System (SAS) to develop measurable IEP goals that are aligned with PA standards, anchors, eligible content, or an element of the curriculum framework. Particular emphasis was given to skills that commonly need to be addressed when working with students who are deaf or hard of hearing, e.g. vocabulary development, self-advocacy, auditory training.