61. Reading Ready | 2022 Literacy Symposium

Speaking: Katharine Pace Miles

Access all of the sessions at https://pattanliteracysymposium22.sched.com/ 61. Reading Ready: A Simple, Free, and Effective Emergent Word Reading Approach Dr. Miles will present on her explicit and systematic word reading curriculum for emergent readers. This research-based and easy to administer program is free and has been used in NYC Dept. of Education as a Covid-19 response intervention. The intervention sessions involve multi-modal phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, word analysis, and decodable sentence reading activities. Since summer 2021, her team has trained over 100 NYC DOE staff and over 230 preservice teachers to conduct the 20 minute sessions 3-5x a week with mostly first grade striving readers. Another group of DOE staff and preservice teachers will be trained this coming summer. Preliminary results show student growth in phoneme blending and nonword reading skills. An accompanying manual for caregivers and plans to train caregivers/community members will also be discussed.