2021 Special Education Leadership Summit: Leading Effective Practices to Support Equitable Outcomes
Session Dates
Monday July 26, 2021 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Webinar
PaTTAN, along with The Bureau of Special Education, PA Association of Intermediate Units and the PA Council of Administrators of Special Education (PA-CASE) is pleased to offer a virtual summit for special education administrators focused on equitable educational outcomes for students. Join special education leaders from across the Commonwealth to discuss practices, resources, and supports that secure equitable outcomes for students with disabilities.
Dr. Sheila Bradby Bailey, Executive Director - Virginia Council of Administrators for Special Education (VCASE) will provide the opening keynote on Monday, July 26th. She will discuss the critical role educational leaders play in identifying, implementing, and supporting research-based best practices that sustain equitable outcomes.
Each half-day event will feature hour long sessions on timely topics to address issues and concerns of special education leaders. The event will culminate with two post-conference opportunities including an interactive session to review and discuss Pennsylvania due process hearings followed by a session of self-care practices where participants are reminded of the importance of finding balance between life and work.
Target Audience
Special education leaders - Anyone responsible for providing leadership to those who work with students with disabilities
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Paula Quinn, at 412-826-6880, or