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35. Leading the PACK in Tiered Interventions | PBIS 2023

35. Leading the PACK in Tiered Interventions | PBIS 2023

00:48:50 minutes
Join us as we revisit our journey to Tier 2 initial, PACK-ed full of first hand knowledge in data based decision making, incorporating teacher voice, and using current research to match students with supports across Tiers 1 and 2 through a unique collaboration/partnership between the CCIU and Avon Grove Charter School.

35. Systematic Behavior Screening Tools: Taking Data-Based Decisions One Step Further

01:12:29 minutes
This session will demonstrate how to use systematic screening data in conjunction with other data collected as part of regular school practices to inform intervention efforts in schools. Specifically, the presenters will illustrate how to analyze screening data within Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (CI3T) models of prevention to inform primary, Tier 1 intervention efforts, low-intensity, teacher-level supports, and Tier 2 and Tier 3 efforts for whom primary prevention efforts are insufficient.

35. You Rock - SWPBS Start Up

00:53:24 minutes
At Main Street Elementary School, We ROCK. Let our team share how we started from scratch developing our SWPBS program. Team members will discuss creating a dynamic core team, developing a MATRIX, and celebrating high frequency reinforcement. We will share experiences with schools who want to jump into SWPBS.
3-5: Engaging with Administrators to Promote Fidelity to PBIS | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

3-5: Engaging with Administrators to Promote Fidelity to PBIS | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

00:58:13 minutes
As an internal or district level coach, what is your role when communicating and collaborating with administrators? How can coaches support administrators and communicate needs effectively with administrators when it comes to PBIS? In this session, tips from a study recently conducted in Pennsylvania will be shared as well as advice from an experienced District Level Coach who works k-12 to build the capacity of administrators by "coaching up" and strategically using data to help promote the PBIS process to fidelity.

36. Urban Voice: Philadelphia PBIS Implementation

00:54:54 minutes
The School District of Philadelphia has built model schools that address barriers common in urban settings. Three model schools will showcase elements of their PBIS system, including addressing student voice through the use of PBIS student councils, building strong acknowledgements with low resources, and adopting strategies to build staff buy-in.
3-6: Linking Up to Move On | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

3-6: Linking Up to Move On | 2023 PaPBS Coaches Day

00:56:56 minutes
Do you ever feel like you are on an island? Going it alone? Are you stagnant in your PBIS growth? This session will focus on leveraging connections to build networks and capacity across systems and tiers. PaPBS facilitators from IUs 8, 10, and 11 will share collaborative efforts that highlight PBIS in ACTion. This session will focus upon strategies used to increase and enhance the student voice in PBIS, team networking, and the administrator's role in the successful implementation of PBIS across the tiers.

38. Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) for Young Children in Real Life

01:11:12 minutes
Participants will be introduced to the process of the newly manualized Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children and listen to real life accounts of its success in a local PAPBS Network child care center.

38. Training Bus Drivers in PBIS Procedures

00:48:31 minutes
This session is designed to share the process of delivering training in PBIS to bus drivers. Discussion will include: Integrating the training with currently established PBIS methodology, securing administrative buy-in, the importance of a survey, user-friendly terminology, dealing with time constraints and scheduling, and progress monitoring.

39. Enjoy the Ride! Lancaster Head Start's Lessons Learned Along the Journey into PBIS!

00:58:49 minutes
This session will outline Lancaster Head Start’s journey in starting and maintaining fidelity to Pyramid Model and PW PBIS implementation. Topics discussed will include building the program’s Mental Health system; promoting staff buy-in and capacity building program-wide; professional development; and data collection and analysis for continued quality improvement.

4. Mapping and Action Planning at Tier 3: The Outcomes of RENEW

00:53:00 minutes
This session will focus on a Tier 3 evidence based practice for secondary age students. RENEW is an intervention built around the student strengths and self-determination. RENEW focuses on the dreams and goals of the student and developing individualized plans to stay in school and achieve those goals.