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81. Creating a Culture of Belonging and Peer Engagement | PBIS 2023

81. Creating a Culture of Belonging and Peer Engagement | PBIS 2023

00:42:46 minutes
All students succeed when they feel like they belong, are valued for their strengths, and have a voice. Understanding the dimensions of belonging provides a means for teachers, teams, and schools to create meaningful actions that increase the belonging of all students, families, and staff. As we think about students with disabilities, particularly students with extensive support needs, and their peers without disabilities, building engagement and friendships are central to learning across the day and across their communities.
82. What Exactly is SIM? An Overview and Introduction | PBIS 2023

82. What Exactly is SIM? An Overview and Introduction | PBIS 2023

01:09:20 minutes
This session will introduce the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) and provide an overview of the comprehensive collection of flexible evidence-based strategies and routines which can be leveraged to empower teachers and students. Participants will be provided with an introduction to SIM, a story of implementation, a sampling of student artifacts, and teachers' reflections.
83. Data-Based Decision Making in Integrated RtI for SLD - Panel | PBIS 2023

83. Data-Based Decision Making in Integrated RtI for SLD - Panel | PBIS 2023

01:14:37 minutes
Data analysis for decision-making is essential at every stage of MTSS implementation, ranging from individual students to the district level. School psychologists, administrators, intervention providers, special educators, general education teachers, and other members of MTSS problem-solving teams are all responsible for ensuring data drive decision making. In this panel, we will discuss how to use data to drive decision-making and, more specifically, how to measure and interpret response to intervention (RTI for) students with academic, language, and behavioral concerns. Data analysis for decision-making is essential at every stage of MTSS implementation, ranging from individual students to the district level. School psychologists, administrators, intervention providers, special educators, general education teachers, and other members of MTSS problem-solving teams are all responsible for ensuring data drive decision making. In this panel, we will discuss how to use data to drive decision-making and, more specifically, how to measure and interpret response to intervention (RTI for) students with academic, language, and behavioral concerns.
84. Foundational Reading Skills in a Multi-Tiered System | PBIS 2023

84. Foundational Reading Skills in a Multi-Tiered System | PBIS 2023

01:14:32 minutes
For optimal results, instruction in foundational reading skills should be explicit and systematic, and it should incorporate key high leverage practices, such as ample opportunities to respond and targeted feedback. Increasing lesson intensity improves outcomes in a multi-tiered system of supports. This session will (a) examine these principles of effective instruction and intervention in foundational skills and (b) provide examples of how to incorporate these practices in a reading lesson.
85. Professional Learning and Cross Training | PBIS 2023

85. Professional Learning and Cross Training | PBIS 2023

01:06:01 minutes
Professional learning is a very expensive endeavor for educational organizations. Clearly, the goal of professional learning is to increase the skills of education professionals across all levels for the purpose of improving student outcomes. This session will discuss not only evidence-based practices in professional learning but also the use of cross-training and integrative practices to maximize resources to support student needs.
86. Enhancing Outcomes for All Students: Preparing Students for Elementary School (2) | PBIS 2023

86. Enhancing Outcomes for All Students: Preparing Students for Elementary School (2) | PBIS 2023

01:05:19 minutes
Social-emotional development, executive functioning skills, and foundational knowledge about literacy and mathematics contribute to the success of all students as they transition from preschool to elementary school. This session is intended to support educators, program directors, educational coordinators, and parents/caregivers working with preschool/Kindergarten students. In this session, we’ll connect research to practice as we focus on ways to improve social-emotional and executive functioning skills that support young learners.
87. The ABC's of OTRs (Opportunities to Respond) | PBIS 2023

87. The ABC's of OTRs (Opportunities to Respond) | PBIS 2023

01:08:45 minutes
How many opportunities to respond should we aim for when students are aiming to acquire a new skill, build fluency in a new skill, or look to generalize their new knowledge across related skills? How can we use different types of opportunities to respond given the type of knowledge we are targeting and to reduce monotony? The focus of this sessions is to identify how to use self-monitoring and goal setting to enhance our use of opportunities to respond during instruction. Furthermore, we will discuss how to more strategically select different types of opportunities to respond based on students' current knowledge and the type of knowledge being targeted.
88. Defining and Implementing Translanguaging with Second Language Learners | PBIS 2023

88. Defining and Implementing Translanguaging with Second Language Learners | PBIS 2023

01:05:48 minutes
Translanguaging is a pedagogical term used to describe the ways that multilinguals use their languages in everyday lives. Translanguaging represents a dynamic, holistic view of multilingualism. This session will focus on the practices of translanguaging, and will highlight current working definitions, their purposes, how the practice may be implemented in different types of language programs, and review its practical uses in the classroom.

9. PBIS in the Alternative Setting

00:36:19 minutes
CLASS Academy has taken an innovative and exciting approach to PBIS for students receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports. Participants will learn ways to allow students to alter their behaviors as they transition through school. Presenters will share how they engage students to excel with clear behavioral goals, through positive reinforcements and with additional support systems such as RENEW and SAP.
90. Graduation for All Students: PA’s State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Can Help | PBIS 2023

90. Graduation for All Students: PA’s State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Can Help | PBIS 2023

01:16:03 minutes
Students have a 75% chance of dropping out of school if they miss two or more days of school a month, or their behavior is interfering with school success, or they fail English Language Arts or math. This session is an overview of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) to increase graduation rates for students with disabilities. The benefits of using an Early Warning System (EWS) and other effective strategies/resources will be presented to support students who are off-track for graduation.