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Results 121-130 of 209
60. Students’ Math Pathway: Putting Your Students on the Path to Progress, ... | PBIS 2023

60. Students’ Math Pathway: Putting Your Students on the Path to Progress, ... | PBIS 2023

01:05:57 minutes
60. Students’ Math Pathway: Putting Your Students on the Path to Progress, Proficiency, and Beyond! Join us in this session to explore the newly designed PVAAS Student Reports which offer a view into a student’s “digital backpack” of both longitudinal assessment history and PVAAS projections to future assessments. Through this new reporting, you can access a range of student level information one tile at a time to use for a range of purposes in supporting individual student needs for instruction, enrichment, and support. Maybe you want to know: How has my student performed over school years and assessments? How is my student likely to perform on an upcoming assessment? Time will be allotted for participants to discuss ways of using this new student-level data and to explore their own data or a demonstration site with this perspective in mind.

60. The Youth Voice of RENEW

00:52:34 minutes
In this session participants will experience RENEW first hand through the eyes of youth who have taken the RENEW journey from the mapping process, through action planning, into the wrap-around supports and the transition support that the teens needed to meet their goals and experience success. Participants will hear their stories, and participants will be touched by the results.
61. Planning Standards-Based Instruction for ALL Students | PBIS 2023

61. Planning Standards-Based Instruction for ALL Students | PBIS 2023

00:52:18 minutes
This session will emphasize the importance of grade level, standards-based instruction and collaboration that are at the heart of implementing effective and inclusive Tier 1 instruction. To move both of these components to practice, we will share practical examples, strategies and tools that are based on UDL to support instructional teams to collaboratively plan and deliver universally designed, accessible standards-based grade level content for all students, including those with extensive support needs.

61. Psychological Counseling as a Related Service

01:01:44 minutes
This session will highlight a new guidance document, Psychological Counseling as a Related Service, from the Bureau of Special Education. The session will feature the following: the special education process of assessment, identification of student need, implementation of the related service, and monitoring the continued need for eligible students within a service delivery system.
62. Understanding/Assessing for Dyscalculia | PBIS 2023

62. Understanding/Assessing for Dyscalculia | PBIS 2023

00:56:22 minutes
Around 5% of school-aged children present with persistent difficulties learning numerical and mathematical concepts and skills. Despite the well-known consequences of poor numerical and mathematical skills, research into the symptoms and causes of mathematical learning difficulties lags behind progress in the scientific study of the typical and atypical development of reading and literacy skills. In this talk I will discuss what is known about mathematical learning difficulties (Developmental Dyscalculia) by drawing on research from Cognitive Psychology and Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. I will discuss what we know about the potential causes of Mathematical Learning Difficulties. I will show that there is no single cause for Mathematical Learning difficulties, but rather that such difficulties are influenced by the home and school environment as well as biological factors. Moreover, I will discuss how Mathematical Learning Difficulties relate to other learning challenges, such as Developmental Dyslexia and Mathematics Anxiety. Furthermore, I will discuss what is known about evidence-based approaches to screening of young children who might be at risk of developing mathematical learning difficulties.
64. What Does PELI Data Tell Us and Tips for Intentionally Using the Data | PBIS 2023

64. What Does PELI Data Tell Us and Tips for Intentionally Using the Data | PBIS 2023

01:09:14 minutes
This presentation will address the interpretation and use of assessment data for improving outcomes for children in the preschool years. Examples of data from Acadience Reading PreK: PELI will be used to illustrate how assessment data may be used for the purposes of screening, instructional planning, progress monitoring, and evaluating outcomes. Participants will have the opportunity to practice reviewing data for making educational decisions.
66. Choice and Challenge: Instructional Planning Recipes for Diverse Learners | PBIS 202366. Choice and Challenge: Instructional Planning Recipes for Diverse Learners | PBIS 2023

66. Choice and Challenge: Instructional Planning Recipes for Diverse Learners | PBIS 202366. Choice and Challenge: Instructional Planning Recipes for Diverse Learners | PBIS 2023

01:12:21 minutes
This session will provide busy educators with instructional planning recipes for ready use within their classroom. Particularly emphasis is placed on harnessing the potential of technology to provide diverse learners in grades 4-12 with opportunities for accessing, participating, and benefiting from standards-based instruction. Participants are encouraged to Bring Their Own Device (BYOD) to maximize their interaction with the digital resources.
67. Using Data to Inform | PBIS 2023

67. Using Data to Inform | PBIS 2023

01:11:02 minutes
This session will focus on HOW data are best used to inform instruction. As we all know, collecting data is the easy part. Creating infrastructure and capacity to USE the data to best identify, implement and evaluate instruction is what accelerates student growth. A model for how to use diverse data using a single decision-making process will be presented and discussed. Recent research on the impact of problem-solving teams on student outcomes will also be presented and how those teams
68. Secondary Students at Risk: IEP goals and frequent progress monitoring toward ... | PBIS 2023

68. Secondary Students at Risk: IEP goals and frequent progress monitoring toward ... | PBIS 2023

01:14:14 minutes
This session fleshes out how IEP goals and frequent progress monitoring are targeted toward attaining MBSP, which then are the focus of Annual and 3 Year Re-Evaluations and Transition Plans. Implications for Direct Services of IEPs are discussed and the importance of prioritizing changes in special education interventions most at middle school to reduce systems’ change pressures at high school. The commitment to professional learning for general education content teachers for doable, research-based Supports for students who need support are discussed. The concept of MTSS as a support system for TEACHERS as well as students is introduced.
69. What's the True Story? The Value of Disaggregated Data in Decision-making | PBIS 2023

69. What's the True Story? The Value of Disaggregated Data in Decision-making | PBIS 2023

01:12:56 minutes
MTSS is a framework grounded in data-based decision making. When MTSS teams evaluate office discipline referrals, special education identification, access to advanced placement courses, the ability to disaggregate data becomes imperative. Without this process, decisions and actions may lead to misinterpretation and missing the voices and experiences of historically underserved learners. This session will focus on methods of disaggregating data and how it informs equitable practices, inclusivity and spaces of belonging.