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52. Building a ROCKin' Community at the Middle School Level | PBIS 2023

52. Building a ROCKin' Community at the Middle School Level | PBIS 2023

01:04:20 minutes
In our session “Building a Rockin’ Community at the Middle Level” you’ll hear about how we engage our students, staff and community in our PBIS work in order to support the needs of all learners. We’ll show you how we use our PBIS rewards system, and how we use the data we collect to inform our practices around improving behavioral outcomes for students. Finally, we’ll leave you with ideas to take back to your buildings and classrooms so that you can ROCK PBIS too!
53. Rationale for and Research Supporting Inclusive Education: The “Why” | PBIS 2023

53. Rationale for and Research Supporting Inclusive Education: The “Why” | PBIS 2023

00:38:03 minutes
What is the “why” underlying inclusive school communities? This session discusses the rationale for and research supporting inclusive education within an MTSS framework, ensuring that the shifts required in school culture and leadership, family and community participation can be realized and built upon for each and every student. Regardless of where an organization is on the road to systems change for inclusive practices - this session lays an important and strong foundation so as to quickly move to the “how” and “what” of inclusion.
54. Data Doesn't Lie: Detecting Disproportionality in Special Education | PBIS 2023

54. Data Doesn't Lie: Detecting Disproportionality in Special Education | PBIS 2023

01:12:19 minutes
In order to engage in equitable practices, it is imperative that data is used to drive decisions and guide prevention efforts, including the use of Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services to address processes for determining who is in need of support, the efficacy of core programs and interventions, staff utilization patterns, discipline and eligibility for special education services. In this session, participants will be walked through an example of how to extract data from a student information management system and analyze it for patterns of disproportionality in both academics and discipline to a proactively intervene.
55. Identifying Secondary Students at Risk: The Big Idea in Secondary RTI as SLD | PBIS 2023

55. Identifying Secondary Students at Risk: The Big Idea in Secondary RTI as SLD | PBIS 2023

01:12:49 minutes
This session lays out the major “big idea in secondary RTI as SLD” with respect to eligibility, that schools must differentiate that at risk students who need “Treatment” vs those students who need “Support.” The fundamental assessment demarcation is the point at which students are below Minimum Basic Skills Proficiency or MBSP. This session will discuss the audiences’ values implications of MBSP and how it would be operationalized in schools as part of the RTI process to identify which students would be eligible for special education and receive “Treatment” and which students likely would not be eligible but receive “Support."

55. Kicking-Off Positively

01:00:35 minutes
Participants will learn the processes and procedures used for the initial implementation of PBIS. Specific examples shared will include creation of a matrix, hallway and voice level procedural lesson plans, reinforcement materials, how to create a kick-off video, and Tiger Club rewards program.
56. Overview (Wallace Report) | PBIS 2023

56. Overview (Wallace Report) | PBIS 2023

00:57:55 minutes
Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a evidence-based framework for the delivery of integrated (academic, behavior and social-emotion) instruction and supports. The 3-tiered instructional delivery framework is supported by an additional five components-leadership, collaboration/communication, use of data, capacity building (e.g., professional learning) and problem-solving. Each of these components, when delivered with fidelity and in sufficient amounts, increases the impact of effective instruction accelerate student growth. The Wallace Report (2021) provides research that demonstrates the particular impact of some of these components on student outcomes—beyond just the impact of effective instruction. This session will provide an overview of this report and set the stage for the sessions that follow.
57. Assessing Early Literacy Skills in Preschool: Overview of Acadience Reading PreK | PBIS 2023

57. Assessing Early Literacy Skills in Preschool: Overview of Acadience Reading PreK | PBIS 2023

01:07:56 minutes
57. Assessing Early Literacy Skills in Preschool: Overview of Acadience Reading PreK: PELI This session will address the importance of assessing early literacy skills in preschool. The development of critical early literacy skills in the preschool years will be described. An overview of a story book-embedded assessment designed to assess the critical skills will be provided, including the underlying research base for the assessment. Participants will have the opportunity to view videos of assessment activities and practice scoring. Implications for practice will be discussed.

58. Making "Moves" with Program Wide PBIS

00:56:57 minutes
During this interactive session, participants will explore how Easter Seals is using music, songs, and rhymes to teach behavioral expectations in diverse classroom settings. The presenters will share how the use of music and music therapy can be an integral part of establishing universal supports and teaching of targeted social emotional skills.
58. The Role of Fluency with Core Math Instruction | PBIS 2023

58. The Role of Fluency with Core Math Instruction | PBIS 2023

01:05:11 minutes
Math fluency is critical to overall math proficiency and a persistent standard within the Common Core beginning at Kindergarten. Concept development and fluency-building often develop in tandem making the integration of both in a classroom's core instruction essential. Ensuring all students have access to standards-based instruction, which should include fluency, is vital for improving equitable opportunities and outcomes. In this session, participants will review current understanding of best practices for fluency building and learn strategies for how to best incorporate it into daily classroom routines and instruction.

59. SIZE MATTERS: SWPBIS in a Large, Consolidated School

00:59:05 minutes
After consolidating five schools, Clearfield Elementary grew overnight to 1,200 students and 200 staff. To meet the demands of their new environment, SWPBIS was the starting point for bringing together their students and staff. During this session, the presenters will focus on student and staff acknowledgement systems, character education, SAP integration, and school morale.