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4. Mental Health Challenges and Disorders in Youth

00:55:54 minutes
This session will discuss mental health challenges and disorders including facts and statistics nationally and in Pennsylvania; typical adolescent development and risk factors; warning signs and symptoms; the impact of mental health challenges on education and Pennsylvania’s movement to address these issues.

40. Developing Capacity for Reflection: A Collaborative Approach

00:45:49 minutes
In this session, participants will learn about reflection and communication techniques - in individual and small group settings - to help delve deeper into school-wide positive behavior support data and systems. Participants will learn ways to foster these reflection strategies in their own SWPBS teams.

40. How Applied Behavior Analysis Shaped Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

01:21:49 minutes
The purpose of this session is to describe how Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has shaped and influenced PBIS practices, systems, data and outcomes. Sameness and differences will illustrate how and why PBIS and ABA should be integrative and collaborative.
40. Summary of the Statewide Evaluation of PAPBS Implementation | PBIS 2023

40. Summary of the Statewide Evaluation of PAPBS Implementation | PBIS 2023

00:51:54 minutes
A review of the outcomes associated with SWPBIS implementation across Pennsylvania in the 2020-2021 academic year is presented. A focus will be on building-level outcomes related to fidelity, school climate, discipline, academics, and equity.
41. Rewards that can Motivate ALL Students: Increasing Student Buy-In and Reinforcement | PBIS 2023

41. Rewards that can Motivate ALL Students: Increasing Student Buy-In and Reinforcement | PBIS 2023

00:42:58 minutes
This session will focus on strategies for presenting multiple variations of a SWPBIS program that meets students with disabilities at their communication and cognition level. Student buy-in can be difficult within a typical education setting. Obtaining buy-in in special education can be more trying. It is important for school staff to recognize this and ensure that any type of PBIS programming fits all students. School staff need to be creative with all facets of the SPWBIS program.
42. Strengthening Classroom Teacher Skills to Support Itinerant Students and the GE ... | PBIS 2023

42. Strengthening Classroom Teacher Skills to Support Itinerant Students and the GE ... | PBIS 2023

00:50:51 minutes
42. Strengthening Classroom Teacher Skills to Support Itinerant Students and the GE Classroom Collaboration between classroom and itinerant teachers can increase the delivery of high-quality instruction and support in helping students succeed. Itinerant teachers can maximize their service delivery through coaching classroom teachers in instructional and behavior management skills. Participants will learn about the iterative development of a coaching model in the preschool setting, view data, hear success stories, and learn how the model can be adapted across settings and grade levels.
43. Access is Not Enough: Fostering a Sense of Belonging for Students with Disabilities | PBIS 2023

43. Access is Not Enough: Fostering a Sense of Belonging for Students with Disabilities | PBIS 2023

00:44:24 minutes
A sense of belonging is the feeling experienced by a student based on their perception that they fit into an environment and encounter meaningful relationships. Students with disabilities often have access to the environment but is that enough to develop a sense of belonging? This engaging presentation will share the findings of a recent study conducted to gain a deeper understanding of how students with Autism experience a sense of belonging as well as factors that either promote or inhibit it.

43. Promoting Systems and Supports for All Students (Keynote Address)

00:29:08 minutes
Secretary Rivera will share highlights regarding work in which the PA Department of Education is engaged to promote whole-child/student success. Areas of focus will include the important role schools and community partners share in individualizing supports as well as recognizing the impact of trauma, removing barriers to accessing needed interventions, and building resilience to promote future success.
44. Student Advisory Council at MAMS: Leveraging Our Greatest Asset | PBIS 2023

44. Student Advisory Council at MAMS: Leveraging Our Greatest Asset | PBIS 2023

00:37:48 minutes
A Student Advisory Council was created at Middletown Area Middle School where the students involved demonstrated disruptive and disrespectful behaviors. This student-run group saw significant improvement in the numbers of referrals through their analyzing of student behavior, development of team, grade level, and school-wide celebrations, and communication of their meeting notes and ideas to different district stakeholder groups.

44. Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Model: Process for Team Meetings and Data-Based Decision Making

01:05:49 minutes
This session will provide an overview of the recently updated TIPS model including strategies for effective team meetings and how to use data for decision making. Presenters will model how to use data to make decisions and facilitate practice with identifying a problem, developing a problem statement, intervention planning, and progress monitoring.