PDE English Language Arts (ELA) and Structured Literacy Listening Sessions
Session Dates
Wednesday November 08, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Webinar
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) English Language Arts (ELA) and Structured Literacy Listening Sessions are taking the pulse of all things ELA and Structured Literacy (SL) in Pennsylvania. We are determining needs and potential next steps to help support students, educators, and administrators across the Commonwealth.
Some of the essential questions being asked are:
- What support/training does your IU or district currently offer or plan to offer in ELA and SL?
- What needs do you anticipate your district(s) may have?
- What are your specific PreK-2 needs?
- What are your specific Grades 3-8/PSSA needs?
- What are your specific Grades 9-12/Keystone needs?
- What are your specific Assessment needs?
- What are your specific writing needs?
- What can PDE do to help?
Target Audience
IU Consultants, District Administrators, Educators
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Saie Hetrick, at 717-901-2273, or