2021-2022 MTSS Series: Enhancing Early Literacy Outcomes within Tiered Systems for English Language


Session Dates

Tuesday November 09, 2021 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM - Webinar

This event is by invitation only. You must have a registration key in order to register.

This series emphasizes PREVENTION of Early Reading Failure and Enhanced Reading Outcomes, based upon knowledge and application of the empirical reading research as it relates to English Learners within the context of a tiered system. Teams (K-2) who participate in this series must have an expressed interest and make an intentional effort to deepen their understanding of the reading, writing, speaking and listening process and then apply that knowledge to practice through the lens of English Learners (ELs).

Target Audience

2021-2022 MTSS Enhancing Early Literacy Outcomes within Tiered Systems (EELO) Series Cohort Members as relevant to their roles and team leader's directives. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Kelly Kapp, at 717-901-2271, or kkapp@pattan.net.

Event Info

Event Type:


Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
No credit


Dr. Lana Edwards Santoro

Event Contact:


Kelly Kapp

Content Contact:

Jennifer Collins