Enhancing Student Engagement via Integration of Evidence-Based Practices
Session Dates
Thursday March 11, 2021 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM - Webinar
This event is by invitation only. You must have a registration key in order to register.
Active student engagement is a function of instructional, climate and behavior/social-emotional factors. Traditionally, these factors have been treated separately and siloed. An MTSS provides us with the opportunity to design an engaging environment for all students. Integrating behavior supports, for example, into the design and delivery of instruction is different from providing instruction and behavioral supports separately. The process of integration of academic, behavior and social-emotional factors to create a highly engaging environment must occur in the design of instruction. This session will focus on both the mindset of integration and the design of the delivery process.
Participants will be able to…
- Develop a common language/common understanding of engagement and integration of evidence-based practices.
- Identify critical practices to support the integration of evidence-based practices.
- Articulate the relationship between integration of practices and school climate
- Identify assessment processes to evaluate student engagement.
Target Audience
Administrators, Principals, School Psychologists, Special Education Teachers, General Education Teachers, IU TaC
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Kelly Kapp, at 717-901-2271, or