A Professional Learning Community: Comprehensive Knowledge of Comprehension and Informed Instruction


Session Dates

Thursday January 07, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday January 28, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday February 18, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday March 11, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday April 08, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday April 29, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday May 20, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday June 10, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Webinar
Thursday July 15, 2021 - 12:01 AM - Webinar


A deep knowledge of the science of reading is necessary for designing and delivering informed instruction. Skilled reading includes the ability to make meaning of text. Comprehension is often misunderstood as a single entity while it is complex -“the orchestrated product of orchestrated product of a set of linguistic and cognitive processes operating on text and interacting with background knowledge, features of the text, and the purpose and goals of the reading situation (Castles et al, 2018).”

This professional learning community is a unique opportunity for deepening educator knowledge of the multi-faceted aspects of comprehension and increasing expertise in creating informed instructional environments for all students. Varied learning formats, including presentation, discussions, activities and assignments are designed to:

  • surface critical knowledge related to science of reading and the implementation of informed instruction including the role of educator knowledge and educational context.
  • explore the multidimensional nature of comprehension including research, definition, contributing factors including critical language processes.
  • examine the contributions of vocabulary, syntax, background knowledge, inference, and literacy knowledge to the construction of meaning.
  • delve into a blueprint or master plan that organizes and scaffolds the informed educator’s approach to developing necessary skills and abilities for comprehending varied texts.
  • build a bridge to practice by examining informed instructional frameworks for each critical contributor (word meaning, sentence comprehension, use of background knowledge and text structures, inference-making) that include strategies and activities for acquiring and applying related skills.
  • prompt reflection on sample instructional activities for each contributor, consideration of current practices and creation of instructional exemplars.
  • review conditions necessary for implementation of innovations including provision of professional learning opportunities and development of instructional tools (blueprint for comprehension instruction, aligned  lesson organizers and lesson plans).
  • support the development of final products (sample lesson organizers and lesson plans) and/or a preliminary action plan for implementing instructional changes.


Participants will be able to:

  • Identify critical knowledge related to science of reading and the implementation of informed instruction including the role of educator knowledge and educational context.
  • Describe the multidimensional nature of comprehension including research, definition, contributing factors including critical language processes.
  • Explain the contributions of vocabulary, syntax, background knowledge, inference, and literacy knowledge to the construction of meaning.
  • Explain the use of a blueprint or master plan that organizes and scaffolds the informed educator’s approach to developing necessary skills and abilities for comprehending varied texts.
  • Identify informed instructional frameworks for each critical contributor (word meaning, sentence comprehension, use of background knowledge and text structures, inference-making) that include strategies and activities for acquiring and applying related skills.
  • Build connections between sample instructional activities for each contributor, current practices and create instructional exemplars.
  • Identify conditions necessary for implementation of innovations including provision of professional learning opportunities and development of instructional tools (blueprint for comprehension instruction, aligned lesson organizers and lesson plans).
  • Develop final products (sample lesson organizers and lesson plans) and/or a preliminary action plan for implementing instructional changes

Target Audience

General Educators, Special Educators, Reading Specialists, Administrators K-8

Topics Covered: Literacy

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Kelly Kapp, at 717-901-2271, or kkapp@pattan.net.

Event Info

Event Type:


Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
No credit


Nancy Hennessy

Event Contact:


Kelly Kapp

Content Contact:

Pam Kastner

Additional Info

Due to the limited number of spots available in this course, priority for registrants in this training will be given to Pennsylvania certificated teachers.


Required Text: The Blueprint for Reading Comprehension: Helping Students Make Meaning from Text.

Supplemental Readings: TBD

Session Format: Eight (8) focused learning sessions that include:

  • A. Prepping for Participation- Prior to each session, participants will receive a guide indicating preparatory tasks that support full participation in each PLC webinar. Sample tasks include reading, reflecting & responding to questions, viewing of video clips, surveys of current practices.
  • B. Participating in Zoom Webinar- During each webinar, the presenter will delve into session topics including related definitions, research, and connections to instruction. Participants will be expected to share ideas and insights including current instructional approaches and potential changes to practice.
  • C. Prepping for Implementation- Following each session, participants will complete & submit responses to tasks designed to support processing of new knowledge, connections to comprehension instruction and ultimately application to practice.

Culminating Project:
Participants will create and share either a sample Lesson Organizer and Lesson Plan or a Preliminary Action Plan for Implementing Changes in Comprehension Instruction by June 8, 2023