Cultivating Equitable Learning Environments


Session Dates

Tuesday May 19, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM - Webinar

What would our equity efforts look like if they were based on deep understandings of how equity and inequity operate in classrooms and schools? What if they were based on a set of deep, evidence-based equity principles rather than simplistic strategies or programs? In this workshop we will learn and practice applying a transformative equity lens meant to strengthen our equity literacy and prepare us to identify and eliminate bias and inequity in our spheres of influence. We will discuss necessary changes to policies, practices, leadership, and institutional culture and how they bolster equity for students of color, students experiencing poverty, LGBTQ students, and students from other groups that historically are disproportionately marginalized in schools.


  • Engage in the ability to recognize bias and inequity in all of their forms in classrooms, schools, and districts.
  • Describe their ability to apply equity-based thinking to addressing educational outcome disparities in order to understand their root causes and develop strategies to eliminate them.
  • Practice applying the knowledge and skills necessary to proactive cultivate equitable learning environments for all members of classroom, school, and district communities.

Target Audience

General Educators, Special Educators, Administrators, School Counselors, and School Psychologists Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Tina Rife, at 717-901-2278, or

Event Info

Event Type:


Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
No credit


Dr. Paul Gorski

Event Contact:


Tina Rife

Content Contact:

Nikole Hollins

Additional Info