Progress Monitoring: Steps to Support Effective and Meaningful Data Collection

PaTTAN - Online Course

Session Dates

Wednesday April 03, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Tuesday April 30, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course

The purpose of progress monitoring is to identify steps the child is making to successfully participate in their everyday activities and routines. Effective progress monitoring begins with the assurance that identified outcomes/goals are functional and measurable, followed by identifying an efficient plan for data collection. In this course, participants will identify outcomes/goals that are functional and measurable and identify a process for collecting data. The process will include determining what data is being collected, who will collect the data and when, where, and how the data will be collected. Throughout the course, participants will follow a case study and engage in activities to practice strategies discussed.


Participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize and utilize essential elements of data collection and establish a process for identifying:
    - Who will collect
    - What specifically will be collected
    - How it will be collected
    - How progress will be documented
  2. Identify a process for breaking long-term outcome/goals into smaller steps and using data on these steps to demonstrate progress to the long-term outcomes/goals.
  3. Select data collection tools appropriate for measuring progress on functional goals and/or outcomes.
  4. Collect and evaluate data on child progress, including identifying strategies and routines that are most supportive for the child.
  5. Apply a seven-step process to make data based decisions about child progress and next steps.

Target Audience

Early Intervention Service Providers and staff

Topics Covered: Early Intervention

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Molly Martz, at 717-901-2151, or

Event Info

Event Type:

On-line Courses

Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
Infant/Toddler Staff Training Hours
No credit


PaTTAN Educational Consultant

Event Contact:


Molly Martz

Content Contact:

Donna Miller