An Overview of Embedded Instruction for Early Learning in Pennsylvania

PaTTAN - Online Course

Session Dates

Wednesday November 01, 2023 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Thursday November 30, 2023 - PaTTAN - Online Course

Embedded Instruction for Early Learning is an evidenced-based approach to intentionally planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction for preschool-age children. In Pennsylvania, Early Intervention professionals will work hand in hand with Early Childhood Education (ECE) professionals in Pennsylvania to provide supports to preschool-age children with disabilities to enhance their growth and development. Through this collaborative process, EI and ECE professionals support children to successfully access and participate in everyday routines and activities at home, in the classroom, and within community settings. This course will provide an overview of Embedded Instruction for Early Learning and how it will be implemented across the state of Pennsylvania.


Participants will be able to:

  • Define Embedded Instruction for Early Learning and its connection to Service Delivery in Pennsylvania.
  • Describe the Essential Practices of Embedded Instruction for Early Learning.
  • Identify the following practices: What to Teach, When to Teach, How to Teach, and How to Evaluate.
  • Identify tips for successful implementation of Embedded Instruction for Early Learning in Pennsylvania.

Target Audience

Early Intervention Infant/Toddler professionals and Early Intervention Preschool professionals

Topics Covered: Early Intervention

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Molly Martz, at 717-901-2151, or

Event Info

Event Type:

On-line Courses

Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
Infant/Toddler Staff Training Hours
No credit


EITA Consultant

Event Contact:


Molly Martz

Content Contact:

Jennifer Furness