Preparing for Cyclical Monitoring: A Focus on Secondary Transition Planning and IEP Development
PaTTAN - Online Course
Session Dates
Monday April 03, 2023 - 11:59 PM - PaTTAN - Online Course
Thursday November 30, 2023 - 11:59 PM - PaTTAN - Online Course
This event is by invitation only. You must have a registration key in order to register.
In response to the accountability requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA) Part B State Performance Plan, a focus is the development of compliant and individualized secondary transition programming for students with disabilities.
During this online course, participants will complete modules that focus on the steps in the transition planning process as they relate to the Indicator 13 requirements in the Cyclical Monitoring for Continuous Improvement (CMCI). Participants will demonstrate learning through process-specific quizzes. Successful course completion will require watching training videos, participating in online discussions, and earning minimum scores on module-based quizzes. In addition to the supports within the course, the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) and Intermediate Unit transition consultants will provide sustained professional development to identified local educational agencies (LEAs) based on IEP pre-reviews using the Pennsylvania Indicator 13 checklist and/or identified coaching needs.
• Explain the legal basis for transition planning and the elements of effective transition planning.
• Identify components of an aligned IEP
• Describe the requirements for annual, age-appropriate transition assessments
• Identify methods of transition assessment in the development of post school goals and how to utilize the information in the present education levels
• Identify comprehensive and compliant post school goals and describe how to document them in the IEP
• List the essential elements needed to complete the “transition grid”
• State the components of a compliant Measurable Annual Goal and the importance of progress monitoring data
Target Audience
Staff from LEAs identified through the Bureau of Special Education (Penn*Link) including special education administrators, building principals, transition coordinators, special education teachers, speech language therapists, school counselors, school psychologists, career tech ed staff, and other LEA staff involved in secondary programming.
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event by contacting Kristen Olszyk at