Orientation to Deafness and Hearing Loss

PaTTAN - Online Course

Session Dates

Tuesday March 01, 2022 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Thursday March 31, 2022 - PaTTAN - Online Course

This online course provides a foundation for understanding deafness and hearing loss in young children under the age of five and how early detection can benefit a child’s development over a lifetime. It provides an overview of first steps to identifying concerns and then connecting families to services and resources. Emphasis is on understanding, screening, testing, service provider roles, and empowering families to support their child with hearing loss or deafness.


Participants will be able to:

  • Recognize at least one benefit to families of identifying hearing loss in their infants at a very early age.
  • Explain the importance of early hearing screening, testing and the ways that these things can occur.
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of the service providers and team of professionals that support children and families experiencing hearing loss and deafness.
  • Understand and know where to locate the most up to date resources for families and children experiencing deafness and hearing loss.

Target Audience

Early Intervention Service Providers and staff, staff in early childhood programs across Pennsylvania programs, and family members

Topics Covered: Early Intervention

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Molly Martz, at 717-901-2151, or mmartz@pattan.net.

Event Info

Event Type:

On-line Courses

Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
Infant/Toddler Staff Training Hours
No credit


EITA Consultant

Event Contact:


Molly Martz

Content Contact:

Stephanie Redmond