Responsive Routines and Environments
PaTTAN - Online Course
Session Dates
Wednesday November 01, 2023 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Thursday November 30, 2023 - PaTTAN - Online Course
This course provides a foundation for understanding social and emotional development in infants and toddlers. It provides an overview of responsive routines, environments, and strategies to support social emotional development in infants and toddlers. Participants have opportunities to explore the following topics: observation, responsive caregiving, emotional literacy and the development of social skills.
Participants will be able:
- To identify strategies for helping to build social skills in infants and toddlers.
- To examine the environments in which they work and begin to make plans to enhance them to meet the needs of infants and toddlers.
- To discuss why it is important to be intentional about supporting social emotional development in infants and toddlers.
Target Audience
Early Intervention Service Providers and staff, staff in early childhood programs across Pennsylvania programs, and family members
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Molly Martz, at 717-901-2151, or