Seven Steps of Progress Monitoring
PaTTAN - Online Course
Session Dates
Monday January 03, 2022 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Monday January 31, 2022 - PaTTAN - Online Course
This course will walk you through the seven steps of online progress monitoring, from ensuring you start with a functional goal/outcome through collaborating with team members to make data-driven progress monitoring decisions. You will start by selecting a child’s outcome/goal and work through this seven step process using that child’s information. Throughout the interactive course you will see best practice examples, have opportunities to apply what you have learned and engage in the decision making process through completion of the Individual Progress Monitoring Worksheet.
Participants will be able to:
- Recognize functional outcomes/goals and record data
- Select appropriate tools to effectively monitor progress
- Collect and analyze data to determine child progress toward functional outcomes
- Record data-driven decisions about progress monitoring for team decision-making process
Target Audience
This course is intended for infant/toddler and preschool early intervention teachers, therapists and service coordinators.
Individuals attending this course must arrive on time and stay the duration of the course in order to receive Act 48 Professional Education hours. Requests for exceptions are to be brought to the attention of the individual´s Superintendent or IU Director prior to the course.
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this training. Contact: Linda Rhine, at 800-360-7282, or " Rhine email)"