Early Intervention Orientation
PaTTAN - Online Course
Session Dates
Wednesday April 03, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
Tuesday April 30, 2024 - PaTTAN - Online Course
This online course provides an overview of Early Intervention including legal foundations, rationale and service delivery. Current trends, practices and processes are described. Emphases also include the importance of family participation and community systems and resources. This course is recommended for newly hired Early Intervention personnel as part of their pre-service training but is not mandatory. You will need to complete the course within a four week time period.
Participants will be able to:
- The user will become familiar with the theoretical, historical, and legal bases for Early Intervention including federal and state legislation.
- The user will be oriented to the early intervention service system including the purpose of the State and Local Interagency Coordinating Councils.
- The user will recognize and know the duties and responsibilities of Early Intervention practitioners.
- The user will become familiar with assessment and evaluation activities and processes for the purposes of eligibility and identifying ongoing developmental and educational needs of infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
- The user will gain knowledge in service delivery approaches that incorporate the outcomes and goals of the IFSP or IEP.
- The user will become familiar with current practices, issues and trends in Early Intervention; including family centered practices, team approaches, inclusion and the use of community resources.
- The user will recognize practices associated with transition into preschool and kindergarten and/or other community programs.
Target Audience
Early Childhood Personnel, Service Coordinators, Providers of Services and Supports, Preschool Personnel, and Family Members
Individuals attending this course must arrive on time and stay the duration of the course in order to receive Act 48 Professional Education hours. Requests for exceptions are to be brought to the attention of the individual´s Superintendent or IU Director prior to the course.
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this training. Contact: Linda Rhine, at 800-360-7282, or "lrhine@pattan.net(Linda Rhine email)":mailto:lrhine@pattan.net.