2022 PaTTAN Literacy Symposium

69. Translating Science to Practice, and What to do when the Science Runs Out

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Session Dates

Thursday June 16, 2022 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM - Webinar

We all want to follow the best science, but not all science is created equal, and science doesn't answer every question we have. Other treating professions, including medicine and mental health, are faced with the same dilemma: how do we translate an incomplete and imperfect science into practice? Recognizing and understanding the limitations of an always evolving science can prepare us for the inevitable times that science doesn't quite answer every question, and even those times the science seems to change. Enjoy this lively, Math-Free, discussion of how science works to guide practice, how we can learn from other professions that face many similar challenges, and how to think about all this with an open mind and a level head so you can be a more effective consumer of science. (K-12)

Target Audience

Elementary Educators, Secondary Educators, Special Education Teachers, Speech Language Practitioners, School Leaders/Administrators, Reading Specialists, Teachers of English Language Learners, Literacy Coaches, Instructional Support Team Members, School Psychologists, Pre-Service Teachers, Higher Education Instructors, Paraprofessionals, and Families

Topics Covered: Literacy

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Kelly Kapp, at 717-901-2271, or kkapp@pattan.net.

Event Info

Event Type:



Steven P. Dykstra PhD

Event Contact:


Kelly Kapp

Content Contact:

Pam Kastner

Additional Info

Download a PDF of the SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE here: