The Virtual 2020 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference - Together Towards Tomorrow

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Session Dates

Wednesday July 15, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Webinar

The primary purpose of this virtual conference is to expand the capacity of youth, family members, schools and community partners to examine, appreciate, and invoke the powers and potential that lies within each of us to examine our dreams and aspirations to promote successful transitions of youth/young adults with disabilities. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of effective practices to engage all community stakeholders to assist youth/young adults with disabilities in achieving successful post-school outcomes.


Participants will be able to:
• Describe the value of meaningfully engaging youth with disabilities to improve post-secondary outcomes related to post-secondary education, employment, and community living.
• Explain the critical need to for cross stakeholder collaboration
• Identifying potential skills, qualities and attributes of effective secondary transition practices
• List the differences and similarities of the laws and effective practices regarding accommodations in high school, post-secondary education and training and employment

Target Audience

Youth & Young Adult, Special Educators, Regional Dept. of Public Welfare Staff, Youth served in Foster Care, Agency Administrators, Social Security Benefits Counselors, Education Administrators, Business/Employers, Mental Health Services Workers, Foster Parents, Local Youth Councils, Assistive Technology Professionals, Advocates, Guidance Counselors, Medical Assistance Program Staff, School Nurses, Local Service Provider, Drug & Alcohol Program Workers, Psychologists, Juvenile Justice Affiliates, Regional Career Education, Family & Caregivers, Independent Living Staff, Workforce Investment Board Members, Local Government Officials Social Security Staff, Career & Technology Educators, Transportation Affiliates, CareerLink Staff, Vocational Rehabilitation Staff, Mental Retardation Staff, Secondary Educators, Higher Education Professionals, Family Health Representatives, Social Workers, Public & Private Child Welfare Workers, Partnerships for Youth Affiliates & Staff

Topics Covered: Secondary Transition

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: [PERSON], at [PHONE], or [EMAIL].

Event Info

Event Type:



Amber Brisbane, Angela Denham, Jennifer DePietro, Christine Thomas, Morgan Witman

Event Contact:

Content Contact:

Hillary Mangis
800-446-5607 x6878

Additional Info

The Virtual 2020 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference is a web-based conference which requires each participant to log in separately to each session using the links that will be provided closer to the conference.