Traning Opportunities

Foundational Courses

Families to the MAX foundational courses are available to families, community members, school staff, related service providers, or any combination thereof. These courses embody the Network’s beliefs that every child can achieve their maximum potential in their homes, schools, and communities. Sessions are typically one to two hours, free of charge, can be presented in person or virtually, and provide opportunities to meet and network with families, professionals, and local, regional, and statewide support agency representatives. 

Contact or call 800-441-3215, ext. 3262 to schedule or find out more about our training opportunities. 

Course Title/Course Description 

Presuming Competence: Fostering High Expectations  

This training defines presuming competence and what it means to have high expectations for all students in their homes, schools, and communities. 

Disponible en español 

Access to the General Education Curriculum Across All Settings  

This Training describes the importance of, and strategies used to, provide access to the general education curriculum, regardless of educational placement. 

Disponible en español 

Maximizing Communication and Learning for Your Child  

 This Training defines the “what,” “why,” and “how” of speech, language, and communication, and discusses Assistive Technology (AT) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). 

Disponible en español 

 Collaborating on School Teams in Ways That Make a Difference  

 This Training helps families and professionals further develop skills to be collaborative and effective in decisions that provide positive outcomes for students.  

Disponible en español 

Leading Change  

This Training shares how families have been initiators and leaders in making change in schools, in partnership with educators and the community. 

Disponible en español