UDL Habits – Putting it all Together

habit.pngUDL Habits – Putting it all Together

We are committed to designing learning with a UDL mindset by starting small.  Practice designing for small moments in time and apply the 4 UDL habits to those moments.  For example, consider one moment within a math lesson, such as introducing the skill of the day or the independent practice of the new skill.  Regardless of the moment, consider the UDL Habits:
  • Get Clear on the Goal
  • Predict Barriers to the Goal
  • Recognize and Embrace the Variability of your Learners
  • Provide Multiple Means of Engagement, Representation, or Action & Expression
As you design in this manner, your UDL lens will become clear and you will be able to apply this process on a bigger scale.  

Consider using this UDL Habits graphic organizer to help you integrate UDL into practice and apply the UDL Habits in your design process.   

Check back next week as we further explore what UDL “is” by taking a look at some common UDL Myths.