Middle School Success: Path to Graduation (P2G)

P2G Middle School Success logo
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is committed to all students becoming college and career ready, including the approximately 24,000 students identified with emotional disturbance in Pennsylvania. Local educational agencies can effectively prepare students with emotional disturbance, who are more likely to drop out of school in comparison to their peers, by engaging in comprehensive systems-change efforts.

Middle School Success: The Path to Graduation (P2G) provides intensive, ongoing professional development and coaching using evidenced-based instructional and adult learning practices that build the capacity of schools to address the academic and behavioral needs of middle school students with disabilities, in particular, students identified with emotional disturbance.
P2G builds local educational agencies’ (LEAs’) capacity to support middle school students identified as having emotional behavioral disorders (EBD) in achieving high school graduation.

                                                              P2G: Highlights from 2021

Introduction to P2G

School Leaders Share Benefits of P2G

School Leaders Answer...Why P2G?

The Benefits of P2G: Feedback from participants. Click on image to go to Facebook page.

P2G Evidence-Based Interventions

Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) (http://sim.kucrl.org/is a comprehensive, evidenced based adolescent literacy program. SIM emphasizes training routines that allow teachers to organize and present curriculum content in a way that is easy for students to understand and remember. 

Check & Connect is an intervention used for K-12 students who show warning signs of disengagement with school and who are at risk of dropping out. Check & Connect essentially is a trusting relationship between a student and a caring, trained mentor who both advocates for and challenges the student. Click here to learn more: Check & Connect Video

Transition Discoveries (Transitiondiscoveries.org) is a website focused on youth voice and empowerment providing tools and resources for youth and families to take a leadership role in transition planning. Through collaboration, young people, families, and the stakeholders who support them work together to form successful practices for transition to life after high school. To learn more about the Transition Discoveries Framework click here: Transition Discoveries