ERCHL has been instrumental in advising and assisting with the development of documents, publications and videos covering pertinent information and supports for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, families and educators.



Overview of Video Resources

ERCHL has partnered with PaTTAN to develop brief informational videos on the following topics: the need for services and teaching strategies for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, the use of a Section 504 Plan or an IEP, secondary transition and educational interpreters. The videos were created to provide support to educators, administrators and parents as they work to educate students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

  • Successful Inclusion: The Need for Professional Support 

    • This video is intended to highlight the critical role of the teacher of the deaf/ hard of hearing. Teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing should be considered the primary resource for success in an inclusive environment for children with a hearing loss. Teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing are uniquely qualified to support education teams in evaluating needs, determining appropriate services, technology and accommodations for a child with a hearing loss. They have specialized training which allows them to teach and coach students and they are critical in designing appropriate educational programming. Qualified teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing, working as part of every educational team, are able to guide the student, family and school staff to create an environment and plan that can lead to successful inclusion.
      Please view the companion video “Teaching Strategies” which highlights some of the supports that can be offered to a student with a hearing loss.

  • Teaching Strategies  

    • General education teachers often need assistance in addressing the educational needs of a child who is deaf or hard of hearing. This video provides an introduction to the importance of building a collaborative working relationship with the teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing who serves as a support to the child and the teacher. Classroom setting, instructional strategies, and accommodations are introduced in this video as important ways to provide access to the child who is deaf or hard of hearing
      Please view the companion video “Successful Inclusion: The Need for Professional Support” which highlights the important role of teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing in supporting students with a hearing loss.

  • Secondary Transition  

    • Transition to life after high school is an exciting time in the life of a student who is deaf or hard of hearing. After years of meetings and collaboration, it is time to enter the world with confidence and perseverance. For students who are deaf or hard of hearing, this may be a challenge. Communication access adds a layer to how one navigates what is ahead. There are numerous options for students. Depending on whether the student’s individual goal is the work place or college, a strong support team is beneficial. This video shows a few options in terms of work for transition. Supportive employment is just one option when considering services/programs after college. There are many more! Students who are deaf or hard of hearing can obtain any goal they choose. Empowering them to make informed choices is the goal!

  • Interpreters

    • Working with students who are deaf or hard of hearing and having an interpreted classroom is a unique and powerful experience. To be compliant with federal and state laws and regulations, qualified Educational sign language Interpreters in Pennsylvania meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, PA IDEIA Chapter 14 and PA Act 57 of 2004. In this video you will learn what educational interpreters do, how they are qualified, and in what settings they work. Interpreting during crisis situations and for parents who are deaf or hard of hearing in the school setting are also referenced.

  • 504 Plan or IEP Resources   

    • This video highlights two ways to provide the specialized instruction and classroom accommodation for deaf or hard of hearing students. An IEP is a document that is developed for each public school child who needs special education. The IEP is created through a team effort and is reviewed periodically. The 504 plan is intended to provide the appropriate classroom accommodations to address the student’s needs.